name change!!


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Well some of you might remember me by the name davet!!Work has been really crazy this past summer with all the goverment stimulus money our family construction buisness has been overloaded!!I got a new computer and upgraded our internet service!!When i did i lost all my passwords and when i would request my passwords they were all sent to my old e-mail(which i can't access)!!So i tried this hopefully i will still be able to chat!!Great to be back sure did miss the commeradarie(sp)happy hunting aznd congrats on the game already tagged!!

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That would be great if i could get my old account !! When my old computer crashed and burned i also lost all my pics and stuff!! On my old account i had some good pics and stuff!!!

Should be a done deal Dave, looks like the old posts went to your new user just fine. You should be able to use your new user name and password and any old pm's should also have been sent to your new account.

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