Ohio bound on Halloween...


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Well I'm starting to get my gear ready to fly to Columbus, OH Saturday morning. I've got a co-worker still in Cambridge picking me up. Lucky me my company trucks still there til Thursday so I have a free ride to my hunting property out there. I talked to the landowner this week and the corns been cut and there deer are hitting it like crazy. I'm gonna hunt it Sunday-Thursday. Then if things go according to plan I'm gonna head to Tominators to check out the new crib and hopefully hunt with him once or twice from Friday-Sunday. Chris don't laugh at my rental car, its liable to be a mini :)

After that I'm back to Cambridge, then flying back to Oklahoma November 10th just in time to catch Oklahoma's rut. I'm really excited! I'll try to keep updates posted, and if yall want we can start a thread kinda like Tims to post updates. Thats up to yall!

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was you working on the pipe line? my buddy called me today and he knocked down a monster just on the outside of cambridge near saltfork state park. he roughly scored it at 183 3/8.

Yup, the private land I have permission to hunt is near the Airport Inn on 285 and 265 intersection. I checked out salt fork some, but never really hunted it. 183 is an awesome deer! Tie on of those up for me ok?:clown:

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