Seriously considering guide school


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My dream since i was a little boy has been to be a guide. Lately i have been wanting to start guiding for whitetail. I looked around on the internet and found the U.S.'s only Whitetail Hunting Guide School. Its in Colorado and Im seriously considering it. Its a 100 hour, 2 week course. Im still doin some research but I think im goin to have to make a decision soon in order to get into the 2010 classes.

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Well I have 2 problems...Coming up with $3800 for the school and the fact that Im in school at U of M right now. For 2010 they are only offering the class twice. They are offering one from April 26-May 7 which would be right before my finals for spring semester and the other class is Sept 20-Oct 1st which is right during Fall semester too. So i dont know what im going to do.

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Kat-- I dont believe its a requirement but I just feel that if/when I start guiding for whitetails, it would be a major benefit and would help to get a job with a top notch outfitter.

Michiganhunter--I have thought alot about it today and I will most likely finish up my Bachelor's and then probably do the guide school. I just dont think there is anyway I could juggle both guide school and Speech Therapy classes at the same time. I guess in all reality, I was offered a job by one of the top guides with Milk River Outfitters where Michael Waddell and the rest of the Realtree guys hunt. The only problem was that he contacted my mom, and she didnt say anything to me about it until after the season was over.

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Coles, I had the same dream almost 20 years ago. Back then it was $3300 and they guarateed me a job if I passed the class. They said most that don't pass is because they are afraid of horses. I didn't have a problem with that but, I did have a problem with the pay. I checked with two different places back then, one could have been the one you are looking at and the other was Jerry Malson Outfitting. I know Malson was in NW Montana. Anyways, they both basically told me I would start out as a "camp jack" and make about $5-600 a month. I understand that food and lodging is included but, that's not a ton of money and unless they offer trout fishing or something else in the summer, where do you get a job in the off season? I'm not trying to put a damper on your dream because it was mine as well but, these are a couple things to look into. Good Luck in whatever your life holds. ; )

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Coles, I had the same dream almost 20 years ago. Back then it was $3300 and they guarateed me a job if I passed the class. They said most that don't pass is because they are afraid of horses. I didn't have a problem with that but, I did have a problem with the pay. I checked with two different places back then, one could have been the one you are looking at and the other was Jerry Malson Outfitting. I know Malson was in NW Montana. Anyways, they both basically told me I would start out as a "camp jack" and make about $5-600 a month. I understand that food and lodging is included but, that's not a ton of money and unless they offer trout fishing or something else in the summer, where do you get a job in the off season? I'm not trying to put a damper on your dream because it was mine as well but, these are a couple things to look into. Good Luck in whatever your life holds. ; )

I sent an email to Eric (owns and runs Milk River Outfitters) today and asked him if he had any summer jobs such as scouting, hanging stands, cutting shooting lanes and such. So i guess ill have to wait and see if he emails me back. I guess my main plan now would be to finish my degree in Speech therapy, contract myself out, and then possibly during hunting season, guide for whitetails. Who knows. I might not like guiding since i would have very little time to hunt myself. Only time will tell. As for now... i better get to some homework and keep dreaming about monster bucks.

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go for it, buddy. smoke elser used to have the best guide school. but i think you're on an even better track. go right to the outfitter. hire on next summer as a camp jack. they'll show you how to pack a decker, load a horse, run a string and guide folks. as a good hunter, you're way ahead of the game. if you work and are any good, you'll have outfitters fighting to get you hired. simple as that. you'll spend all summer packing campers & fishermen, then hunters in the fall.

a camp jack cuts the wood, gathers/saddles horses, keeps the cook happy (always important) and works hard for poor wages. that is where we all start. (and sometimes finish)

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