Randy Posted October 29, 2009 Report Share Posted October 29, 2009 Alright, I'm sitting in the Service deparment getting some work done on my vehicle this afternoon and the TV is on. Judge so and so was doing his thing and during a commercial there was some kind of survey asking if teenagers are growing up too fast? I thought about if for a minute and tried to come up with an answer either way. I look at the people in the waiting area and here's a upper 20's, maybe 30 year old guy playing some type of little video game. I came up with my answer pretty quick! LMBO! What do you think? Is there too much responsibility put on teenagers, or not enough? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The_Kat Posted October 29, 2009 Report Share Posted October 29, 2009 Not nearly enough. You can clearly see the difference in kids my age and can tell how they were raised. Either they were babied and spoiled, and now they can't hold a job, can't pay a bill, etc. And then theres the ones who were raised right and they are becoming productive citizens. It disgusts me looking at people my age living off welfare, that are too lazy to get off their duff and get a job. Yet they think they are owed everything but don't have to do a thing for it. Jennifer's brother and sisters are prime examples of this. Her brother whose 20, wimped out of the army....he just quit cause he didn't like getting yelled at. He won't hold a job and is a hot head. Her sisters both got knocked up at 15 and 16 and neither take care of their kids. The youngest, is now 18 and just got outta jail for shoplifting some sunglasses. It's pathetic!!! They say Jenn and I were favored in our families and they didn't get the same oppurtunities. Thats total crap, they just all dropped outta school. All three have came to live under my roof and I gave them each a chance to live here for free, put them through GED school, and had em jobs. Only the brother got his GED, but he hit my wife and proceeded to leave my home for good. The whole issue sickens me to a literal stomach ache. My parents did their best for me. I didn't get a new truck at 16 or 18. I didn't have designer clothes. I didn't get to go on school trips on their dime. Instead I worked every summer mowing lawns, and ran my own showlamb business. I got scholarships and played baseball in college to get through. I still owe for my education, but I AM paying it back. Everything I have I worked for and paid for. I lucked into my job I have now, but because of how hard I try at work I'm now the youngest level 2 radiographer in the united states! The difference between me and them, is I chose not to just skate by, I want to suceed in life and have the things I want. I don't wanna become the scum that so much of the place I grew up was....... Can ya tell ya struck a nerve with this question lol? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RangerClay Posted October 29, 2009 Report Share Posted October 29, 2009 Kids are not held resposible anymore and it starts at school. For example, at the school I teach at, a students can fail K-8th grade and they are still moved on to the next grade. We do not want to upset their self esteem so they keep moving along. Not until 9th grade are they held accountable and by then it is too late. Then they drop out and start asking for a hand out from the State. Its a terrible cycle and their parents let them do it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
arrow32 Posted October 29, 2009 Report Share Posted October 29, 2009 Well got to say think I'm pretty good for my age. I've held a job now for almost 3 years even tho I hate it. Don't do to bad and school and I sure the heck don't get everything handed to me. If there is something I want I save my money and buy it. Great reward at the end. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Randy Posted October 29, 2009 Author Report Share Posted October 29, 2009 Can ya tell ya struck a nerve with this question lol? Sorry buddy! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hunt or be Hunted Posted October 29, 2009 Report Share Posted October 29, 2009 i know im only 16 but for my age i think im good. you can ask anybody im around if i am and this is what they would they "yes he is he wants to help in every way he can. it don't matter if he gets paid he just loves to help" and its no lie i do LOVE to help other people, and if i get paid that's great but if not i don't mind at all. and I'm not saying I'm a goody goody person. just i think I'm a good person for my age.... now i am babied and spoiled, a little but not as much as other kids. JMHO Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wtnhunt Posted October 30, 2009 Report Share Posted October 30, 2009 Pretty apparent by what we see out there. In general I say not enough, definitely not the same as it was when I grew up. Hoping we are doing right with our kids though. Our oldest is 13, she has a bit more responsibility than what most of her friends have, I think it is good for kids. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
buckee Posted October 30, 2009 Report Share Posted October 30, 2009 survey asking if teenagers are growing up too fast? Many, too many, but not all, thank God, are not growing up at all. Video games, and respecting a child's privacy, seems to be the only "nurturing" (and I say that loosely) that kids get these days. I have heard too many parents say they are of the opinion that kids can raise themselves. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hungry hunter Posted October 30, 2009 Report Share Posted October 30, 2009 They get away with too much, no accountability, get mad at parents then the babies start having babies. Grant that not all are the same and I have seen alot of good ones come out of the schools to become sucessful in life. My wife and I have worked with alot of problem kids at the farm, they have to earn the right to ride the horses and learn how to care and take care of them first. The record is 22 days from one child who got mad when my wife told her to slow down on the ATV while dragging the fields. I say take away the electronics, games, Blackberrys, ect. I grew up dirt poor and have made the world that I live in and won't tolerate any child telling me I don't understand. To those that are in school and respectful and have goals and dreams thank you to yourself and too your parents. Sorry for the rant. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master_Chief Posted October 30, 2009 Report Share Posted October 30, 2009 Not too get off topic here but are we hearing what the teenagers on here are saying? Kids that hunt, are involved in the outdoors, taught by mom and dad don't seem to have the issues that others are having? Coincidence, I don't think so. Thanks for being good kids guys. Us older dudes appreciate it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Newarcher Posted October 30, 2009 Report Share Posted October 30, 2009 Depends on the kids and the parents. We have a next door neighbor and an across the street neighbor and all they do is party...drinking, foul language, etc. ALL the time. You can count on that if the weather is nice (also the times we want to go outside), there is a party going on. This has been the parents MO for life. Well, they both have late 20 something kids living at home with no jobs, they have to pay someone to mow their grass, and now the kids are calling friends to come over for the free alcohol on their parent's doll. The parents, for their part, are so lonely or thirsty for a party, they just love having the kids and their loser friends around. They wonder why neither kid has a job. The neighbor across the street also took in two of the kids girlfriends to live there. Class all the way. I think the kids of today are weak and lazy by and large. Self involved video addicts. New Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gator Posted October 30, 2009 Report Share Posted October 30, 2009 Depends on the kids and the parents.New That's it in a nutshell right there. I have four teenagers, 2 I helped raise till the divorce, and two their mother raised. Guess what two are doing pretty good, and what two are not doing so hot, you guessed, the two that I helped raise. I was told one time after me and their mom divorced by HER mother that I was the reason those two were as respectful and nice as they are. Granted, I was "hard" on them, BUT I was also fair. After we divorced, their mom started having problems with one, guess who she called for help...actually both of them, and that's after telling me that they pretty much didn't want me around them......... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wtnhunt Posted October 30, 2009 Report Share Posted October 30, 2009 Granted, I was "hard" on them, BUT I was also fair. Seems some people just don't seem to get that and some want to be their kids friend more than they want to be a parent to the kid. Have been criticized for being too hard on my kids, more specifically my oldest daughter. Sometimes it really is not much fun being tough on your kids, but life is not always going to give the easy way out and kids need to be prepared. Have gradually had to be harder with our middle daughter and don't expect things to be any different with her, will maintain consistent parenting for all my kids. Funny thing is one of the persons that has criticized me has a daughter and her daughter has been kicked out of daycares and not even her grandmother will keep her for any length of time due to her being such a brat. Happens that the kids mother takes her to church and she thinks that makes things all better. A lot more to being a parent than expecting others to raise your kids. When kids are dumped at daycares or left at home to do God knows what, they are in many cases not getting right kind of guidance and it is really not fair to those kids. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SpcNape Posted October 30, 2009 Report Share Posted October 30, 2009 I would have to say that teenagers are being excused from responsabilities for way too long. We teach our teenagers that "this is your time to have fun and be carefree" when I really don't believe that's the case. How is a teenager going to be a productive adult overnight? Look at George Washington, he started a business as a teen. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MNcrittergittr Posted October 30, 2009 Report Share Posted October 30, 2009 (edited) There are, always have been, and always will be a number of kids that have experienced things that the majority of people their age have not, and ultimately have had to grow up before most. I believe there is a definitie difference between kids and teens of today and of generations before. That does not mean that every kid today is lazy, irresponsible, unappreciative etc... because that absolutely is not the case. This is sort of a tricky question, I think the original pole on tv could have been posed better. You have to put it in perspective. Are teens today surrounded by or potentially influenced by what would be considered more adult like themes and practices, I would say yes, more than ever yes...Are teens being forced to grow up too fast directly because of this or any other reason, no, beacuse as other posts mentioned, there is very little accountability these days for kids. Are there kids today that are growing up too fast? Yes, without a doubt! But in a nut shell are kids growing up too fats these days....in some ways yes, in some, probably most ways no. I'm a pretty young guy, but growing up, my whole life I've been told by adults that it was like I was a kid, with an old soul. I've gotten along better with adults most of my life than kids my own age. I know I was a good kid, I know my little brother is a good kid. I'd like to think we were kids that not only are good today, but would have been good in the 70's, the 50's etc...I come from a hard working family, that has instilled good values in my brothers and I, and I'm very thankful for that. My parents always taught us what truely mattered in life, and because of that we were good, kids, and are good adults. I didn't mean to write a book, but there is a difference between making adult choices and growing up. With the way the world is today, I think it definitely depends on the kids and the parents. Edited October 30, 2009 by MNcrittergittr Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The_Kat Posted October 30, 2009 Report Share Posted October 30, 2009 Have been criticized for being too hard on my kids, Funny thing is one of the persons that has criticized me has a daughter and her daughter has been kicked out of daycares and not even her grandmother will keep her for any length of time due to her being such a brat. But guess what....they're your kids. Raise em how you see fit. I feel for the first person to question me on how I am raising Cash. Then some of the worthless kid in me will come out in the form of loud foul worded sentences Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WvBowhunterKE Posted October 30, 2009 Report Share Posted October 30, 2009 Im 19 years old, By the time I was 13 and big enough to carry a bundle of shingles I went to work with my father everyday in the summer. I would save up my money all summer long, I will never forget it. My first summer I bought my first johnboat. I was thrilled, eventually as the summers passed I began to buy things a little more important at the time. By the time I was sixteen I had already bought and owned my first truck. 89 ford ranger. It wasnt the best peice of art but it got me from school,work and back home. Thats all that mattered...My brother on the other hand was babied by my mother, he is 27 yrs old and does nothing but sit on his butt and play video games. If it wasnt for the discipline my father showed me growing up I would probably be doing the same thing as my brother. I would have never grown into the man I am today...Im not saying the military is for everyone, but do you know how it functions...On Discipline, Selfless Serivce and Respect... Take it from someone who knows first hand, I through my education away over a stupid fight...Went to far, didnt show self control... I realized then and there I needed help. I turned to the Army, they helped me realize real quick how small my temper was... If you dont take anything from this, just know that coming from this teen. Teens are not growing up to fast, its going to take a responsible parent to show them they ways of the world open their eyes to show them that the world isnt like the games you play. You do something wrong, you suffer the consequences... which is the way it should be. I dont believe all this hubbub about how when a parent smacks the kids bottom it is wrong. If it hurts, their going to realize... - Oh crap, better not do that again. - I believe the problem today is that people want parents to turn soft, when in harsh reality the world can be cold and brutal. Sorry for the book, just something about this topic ignited a flame. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Texan_Til_I_Die Posted October 30, 2009 Report Share Posted October 30, 2009 My best advice to parents is to set yourself up to be respected by your kids. If they also like you, well that's great, but if not, so be it. The rest will pretty much fall into place. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stevebeilgard Posted October 30, 2009 Report Share Posted October 30, 2009 Not too get off topic here but are we hearing what the teenagers on here are saying? Kids that hunt, are involved in the outdoors, taught by mom and dad don't seem to have the issues that others are having? Coincidence, I don't think so. Thanks for being good kids guys. Us older dudes appreciate it. excellent point. i grew up working. started shoveling snow at 9 years old. mowing lawns at 10. caddying at 11, and i mean 6 days a week. my wife and i have always had businesses. in the '80's it was a video store and 1 hour photo. we'd see 10 year old kids come in all the time, with a 20 dollar bill mom gave them. ie: rent nintendo's & videos, and stay out of our hair. good for our business, but pretty sad. those kids today are having to work for 10 dollars an our, and now figgure out that mom had to work 3 hours for that same 20 bucks that they got for "free". in short, they are pretty worthless. from 1990 to 2001, rilda had a subway store. if it were not for the computer, none of the kids could make change. how sad. one of the kids that worked or her is now the manager of that store, and two other kids are still working there. these are now 32-35 year old adults. but they are working and making money. the bottom line is that kids today spend all day with video games. they eat junk food (subway is good food), drink cokes all day, and do no exercise. they are 30 pounds heavier than kids when i grew up, are weak muscletone wise, can't lift, never play outside (when is the last time you saw a park playset in use, or a baseball, football, or basketball game on park equipment?). lazy it the word, and getting worse. the best kids we have are those who are forced to work when young, know how to make a living, and get out and exercise. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SourthenILdeerhunter Posted October 30, 2009 Report Share Posted October 30, 2009 i "yes he is he wants to help in every way he can. it don't matter if he gets paid he just loves to help" now i am babied and spoiled, a little but not as much as other kids. JMHO tis is true and he is more soiled than me he has a cellular devise lol Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MNcrittergittr Posted October 30, 2009 Report Share Posted October 30, 2009 I agree with the point about kids being involved in the outdoors...From the time my brother and I could walk, we've hunted, fished and ran around the woods and on the water as much as we possibly could! And I mean as much as humanly possible! Look at the situation overall today....what the **** happened to going outside?! Too many kids want to park their butts in front of the tv or the video games, and have everything handed to them...I'm not saying everyone, but way too many! I really believe that getting kids involved in the outdoors really really helps in a lot of ways. I'm not saying kids have to hunt and fish to be good kids, but when I was growing up, my brothers and I along with our friends (who we hunted, fished amd played outside with) WOULD NEVER think about stealing trail cams or doing any of that other crap! Crap that other lazy, disrespectful kids were doing. I guess I'm just saying the long version of....get the kids outside! Get them involved in the outdoors and find something they love like that and can appreciate...it'll mean a lot today and down the road! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dance.and.shoot Posted October 30, 2009 Report Share Posted October 30, 2009 my pa didn't raise no one lazy. he said if I wanted to eat, i had to work. and work hard. I still remember my first chore: feeding the dog. I was like 3 or 4 and my pa always told me that if the dog didn't eat, neither did I...that dog ate, and he ate REALLY well. when i got older, it was harder stuff. i was shoveling snow by the time i was 7 (have you seen how deep the snow can get here? it gets DEEP) and it had to look good too. Mowed my first lawn when i was 8...stupid lawn was on a hill. If i want anything, i have to pay for it. when I moved back in with my parents, they said if i want something other than what they buy, i get it, which means I buy my own milk, cheese, bread and steak since that's what i eat the most. i'm also in charge of all the animals, the garden and keeping all the cars (except for my brothers) clean. I do all the oil changes and make sure everything is safe to use. Then there's the 3 jobs that i have right now which takes up most of the rest of my time. and if his dad won't pay for them, I pay for anything the baby needs and all it's doctor visits as well. He lives with me so he's my responsibility, not my parents or brother's. if my car needs new tires, it comes out of my pocket. i don't ask my parents for any money. I grew up knowing that if i want something, it's not free. I turned out okay (at least that's what I like to think) and it's because of how I was raised that i'm the way I am. I was raised this way and it's how I'll raise my kids...working for what they want. the way I look at it, we had to work to be a free nation, so why not work to get a piece of bread? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drop-time Posted October 30, 2009 Report Share Posted October 30, 2009 Ill add that at work sometimes im I get to do job interviews for the warehouse I work at. Most of them are young kids in their teens. I can tell within 5 minutes if the kid has had good disciplined raising or not. I wont go as far to say they are all bad either, cause weve had a few come through that mom and dad did a fine job with. These kids almost never miss work and do well with quality and quantity of work. You sure remember the ones that dont though. I believe some were raised by nintendo, and their bodies and minds show it! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WvBowhunterKE Posted October 30, 2009 Report Share Posted October 30, 2009 excellent point. i grew up working. started shoveling snow at 9 years old. mowing lawns at 10. caddying at 11, and i mean 6 days a week. my wife and i have always had businesses. in the '80's it was a video store and 1 hour photo. we'd see 10 year old kids come in all the time, with a 20 dollar bill mom gave them. ie: rent nintendo's & videos, and stay out of our hair. good for our business, but pretty sad. those kids today are having to work for 10 dollars an our, and now figgure out that mom had to work 3 hours for that same 20 bucks that they got for "free". in short, they are pretty worthless. from 1990 to 2001, rilda had a subway store. if it were not for the computer, none of the kids could make change. how sad. one of the kids that worked or her is now the manager of that store, and two other kids are still working there. these are now 32-35 year old adults. but they are working and making money. the bottom line is that kids today spend all day with video games. they eat junk food (subway is good food), drink cokes all day, and do no exercise. they are 30 pounds heavier than kids when i grew up, are weak muscletone wise, can't lift, never play outside (when is the last time you saw a park playset in use, or a baseball, football, or basketball game on park equipment?). lazy it the word, and getting worse. the best kids we have are those who are forced to work when young, know how to make a living, and get out and exercise. Actually in Stonewood I see the park full all of the time, young children playing on the swing sets and on the slides. Kids from 12-18 playing in the basketball court. And the vol. fire dept. and the boys and I are always in the football field. I know thats just in one small town but I figured I would give you a little grief :clown: But I do understand completly what your talking about. You know sometimes all it takes is a little inspiration to get them outside.... Not to skip off topic, but since I have moved to the town of Stonewood. Our town police officer and I have organized weekly football games, boxing lessons at the fire dept. Baseball, and basketball games in the park.. Honestly, as hard as it is to believe, all they are really looking for is a positive role - model. And to know that I have not only made a difference for my country as a Solider, but as a person as well.. I am completly content, and worst of all I love them all as my little brothers and sisters! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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