Mall Shooting


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Sunday, in a nearby mall in Kingston, NY, a 24 y/o guy walked into a Best Buy with a gun, blowing off rounds. He ended up hitting and critically injuring one guy, injurinmg another, and causing mass hysteria. He continued to shoot until the mag was empty. Once he was done shooting, some Dick's Sporting Goods employees opened a can of whoop up on him, subduing him until a trooper arrived. Initial reports of numerous shooters put the mall in lockdown, tactical teams from the area (my department was on standby) cleared the mall over the next few hours.

Basically, a nut with an "assualt rifle" causes imeasurable amounts of chaos and gives gun owners another black eye. It wasn't the guns fault, the NRA's fault, Mall Security's fault - it's the kids fault.

Well as you can imagine, the local papers are doing tons of coverage about ti. In yesterday's phot spread, they show 2 guys from a glass company replacing the shot out windows.

One guy is wearing a Realtree Roadtrips Hat!! laugh.gif

Some good in an otherwise horrible story.

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