I'm done bow-hunting


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Gents - its been a great run, but I'm announcing as of yesterday that I'm done bowhunting.

Can't do it anymore. My drive is too long to sit in a tree stand and wait for a deer to walk by only to be disappointed because of a tree-branch in the way or the deer walking 40 yards away instead of 30.

Can't do it anymore. The 2 hour drive each way is taking its toll. Yesterday, traffic was backed up a bit and I wasn't able to get out there until after sunrise. Sucks! I'm selling all my gear - I'm done with it.

I'm selling my bow, some of my rifles that I haven't been used in years - all/most of my hunting gear.

I can't take it anymore. I've poured so many hours into this thing and have turned up nothing. I've spent over $1,500 this year alone and it isn't even November.

I'll take a pass and find a new hobby. Maybe coyote hunting or Golfing or Gambling (has to be less expensive).

Peace Brothers!

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You'll be back. I can look at your signature and tell you that you'll be back. I'm having a tough season thus far too and have spent more hours this season in the stand than my last two seasons combined and it's only been a month since the season opener. Layoff hunting for a few weeks til the rut hits. Then your luck will change.

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i blew it this morning. the big buck i was after saw me start a rattling session. all i got to see was big horns and tail.

dont sell your stuff, just lay off for a while. i used to get the same way 10 years ago. mostly because i hunted everyday. now i just hunt fewer days and i actually appreciate it a lot more.


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Many years ago, I felt as you do right now and sold everything. But a few years later, I was back in the saddle again. One of the things we tell people in Bowhunter Ed, is that if your into bowhunting because you think your going to fill every tag, then your in the wrong activity.

I enjoy just getting out into the woods with my bow, and no I don't get to arrow everything that I would like, but it affords me the extra time out there during the archery only season.

My loving wife can not wait for the end of general firearms season to end now.

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If you're serious I'm sorry to hear that. Bowhunting isn't easy man, and it takes a lot of discipline, and I can tell you this, you got into bowhunting for a reason and that isn't something you just lose at the drop of a hat. You can't expect to hit a home run every time ya step up to the plate. Hunting through adverisity is absolutely crutial for a bowhunter.

Hunting is and can be as expensive as you make it. Every season I tell myself I need this or that, the truth is I don't NEED any of it! I think maybe you ought to take brake, take a breath and remember why you love to hunt so much in the first place. It can be easy sometimes to get caught up in the drive, hunt hard and get discouraged, but just take a step back and cool off, and really think about it.

Whatever you decide, for your sake I hope it's for the right reasons...either way, good luck man!

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I hate to hear that, Im sure you'll be back into it soon enough. Just like everyone else said, dont sell your stuff just take a break from it. Take everyones advice, you'll pull through. We all know you love it, look ar your signature, some of those bucks are dreams that some people are still waiting to come true. If thats not motivating enough, I dont know what would be. Just keep your head up and drive on bub.

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Huntin ain't a "hobby" to begin with. It's either in you or it ain't. I was born and raised right here. When I lost all the farms I had permission to hunt on for years because of city dudes leasin up all the ground or families dyin off and sellin out, it never ONCE crossed my mind to QUIT.? I came up with different approaches and at times I was huntin places nearly devoid of deer while staring at the place slap full of em that I "used to hunt". I eventually bit the bullet and bought what property I could afford and turned it into a virtual Whitetail paradise. Since it is comparitiviely small (57 acres) I still have more problems surrounding me (nieghbors OWN their land too and can do with it as they choose,even to my detriment) than you can shake a stick at. Tresspassers, road hunters, game wardens using their suit and badge and a promise of protection, to obtain permission on my non hunting neighbors 1000 acres (and they still hunt my fence), other neighbors shooting EVERYTHING with an antler, baiting illegally, other neighbors builldozing every square inch of woods off their places, dogs running loose, you name it, I've dealt with it. But never ONCE did I consider QUITTTING! They will take my bow/gun/camo when they pry it from my cold, dead fingers/body!

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You definately can not give up now! Bowhunting is not all about killing an animal (read my signature), it's about the fun you have out there. I have not killed an animal yet this season and Saturday will be my last day, but I had SO much fun this season and had so many great experiences. You need to keep trying man, and I really hope you don't think hunting is JUST about killing an animal!

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Don't give it up that easy...don't take the easy way out! Take a break...2 hours each way is quite the haul...even I could not do that! Get rested up...I'm having a tough first 2 weeks to the season...deer not moving much...yes I did get one...but at this time last year I think I'd already had 2 or 3 tagged! And my mood for hunting this year is in a slump right now but I'm not giving up...we need meat for the freezer and I sure as heck did not take time off from looking for a job, to not hunt. Give yourself some time to recover...

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Dont give up man, if you put in the time you will be rewarded, thats what I believe anyway. Take it from me, quitting is the easy option, every year since I took up hunting seriously 6 years ago, I have seen fewer and fewer deer every season. Last year I sat the entire nine day gun deer season without seeing a single deer. Once or even sometimes twice a month I drive the three hours home from school just to have the opportunity to get out one or two times. Most of those times I am pretty much paying to go out onto my own land and see nothing...do I ever think about quitting, heck ya, but I know that is not the answer. Like I said I drive that three hours home on a weekend, go out in the cold and rain and know that chances are pretty high that I wont see anything. But I also believe that if I put in the time, someday, maybe, just maybe, I will be rewarded.

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dont do it buddy. keep at it. man come on. for the love. I drive three hours and I am frustrated as ****. But! That is the beauty. The end result is not the pay off. It is everything else that makes bowhunting great. Blast a doe, get some blood on an arrow and get motivated. It will work out son. Stay at it. We cant afford to lose a brother.

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Well you should change your signature then. Because you do not love the hunt. Many hunters have had harder times than you and still made it out. Because they really did "love the hunt." You are using the line because you think it is cool, not because you mean it. If your word is that weak, then I say sell everything because you are not a man of his word. If you really believe the words that your signature says, then you will be in the woods again. It is up to you. You have to decide whether this is a passion or just something you do to get out of the house.

If you are serious. Let me know what you have for sale. I like yard sales.

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Seriously??? Don't mean to bash you, but if you can quit it that easily, then you're in it for the wrong reason.

Man, I've got to agree with this. That would be like quiting living for me. It's not my hobby, it's my passion. I look forward to hunting season all year, and sometimes drag it out on purpose just to make it last longer.

It sounds like your not just giving up bow-hunting but hunting altogether. Man, I just am having a hard time understanding that, and feel bad for you.

Hunting teaches you something that is very important in life, and that is patience.

Hey, if your having problems judging distance, put out some ribbon markers. It sure did help me a lot. Where there's a will, there's a way.

Hang on to your gear, take a break, but remember the rut is just about to kick in. :)

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