rattling the horns


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any one having any responce to rattling the horns, or is it to early to get them intrested in it, thinking about trying it tomorrow, they seem to still be in a group, but know some time they will have to get with it to show who's the boss.

just wanted to hear if any one else is using them..

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I've been rattling bucks and doe's in since early October, can't say I ever spooked a deer rattling, had them run in right under me while still bangin the horns. From my experience , most deer come in out of curiosity, why else would doe's show up. I rattle all the time, I just get more aggressive closer to the rut and less early in the season and late in the post rut. Deer will spar as soon as their hard horned and until they fall off. Start making some noise!

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Man, rattling is one of those things that i think is based on territory...I have never had any success with rattling whatsoever...i think there is a lot of luck involved with rattling, kind of like being in the right spot at the right time and having the right hot head buck within hearing distance.

Is now the time? Absolutely...ive been putting the horns together sine the 27th...Good luck!

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Man, rattling is one of those things that i think is based on territory...I have never had any success with rattling whatsoever...i think there is a lot of luck involved with rattling, kind of like being in the right spot at the right time and having the right hot head buck within hearing distance.

Is now the time? Absolutely...ive been putting the horns together sine the 27th...Good luck!

im with you on there, here i canada where i hunt they ignore the horns, i have never rattled in a buck. Then i go to ohio and it works amazing. I guess the canadien bucks are more lovers then fighters :D

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im with you on there, here i canada where i hunt they ignore the horns, i have never rattled in a buck. Then i go to ohio and it works amazing. I guess the canadien bucks are more lovers then fighters :D

haha, areas with a pretty good buck to doe ratio seems to help a lot. i hunted a farm where it was way out of whack but there was a lot of mature bucks and never had them respond to rattling. but then i hunted another place where rattling worked all the time. once i rattled a small 8 point off of a group of 4 bucks chasing one doe. it was insane. so it goes either way i guess

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