Hunting Has Come Full Circle


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Well, hunting for me has come full circle, with my father and I that is. Today Dad and I got out way before daylight. He went to his normal spot, and I was about 170 yards in further. I had laid down a drag trail of some Tink's 69 for about 400 yards, right past where he was sitting and all the way up to where I was. It was a wet morning so I kept refreshing the drag, used the entire bottle once I got to my tree. Dad is in his lower 70's so the piece of land where we hunt gives me the access to drive him anywhere he wants to in the mountain. But he still walks in, not like he used to though. In his younger days, I bet there was some times we would walk 5-8 miles, just to get to our hunting areas! I must admit, them days are about over for me too!

But I am happy we hunt where we do. It was a dead morning me, but Friday I had a buck walk in the dark right behind the tree about 6:15AM, then another buck came in, a tall spike about 8AM. Then something I had never seen before, two coyotes. I had them coming in to me, but they must have spotted me and trotted up the mountain.

Anyways, Dad calls me on the radio and says, "I got one laying down." At first I think he is kidding me, but he then says there is one down! Now I am thinking man, this is great! First deer with his crossbow! I am up 25 feet smiling and almost laughing with excitement! ;) I gather everything up and head out to meet him.

I get there, he shows me where had shot, great blood everywhere! But he already knows where the deer is. But I still track it like I shot it! That Muzzy sure did its job! ;) So now the work starts. Dad wanted to field dress himself, I just help with moving it around while he does it. Dad bought a Deer Sled a few years ago, I used the last three years on my own deer. Now it was his deer. I pulled that deer out like there was snow on the ground! Get it loaded up on the hauler, and out we go!

Then he said something to me that has me in almost in tears, "I be hurting if you were not here right now". I realized then how much he needs me in the woods with him. But I would be lost without him in the woods with me! If any of you have fathers that still hunt with you, cherish every moment! Here is his first crossbow deer!




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Man thats great so glad you still do things with your dad mines not a hunter but we fish together every Sat. till hunting season and still will slip off and fiash some then I like you get alot out of fiashing with my dad and will never forget all those great times. Kepp hunting and I know you will always have your dad with you.

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Congrats to your father! My dad tells me that all the time. I have gotten to hunt much more than him this year and in the past few years, but when we get to hunt together it's always special. He's told me many times how much he appreciates all the work I do from field dressing to cutting up the deer. I just started last year really helping butcher and am trying to learn and catch on. I know how ya feel bud. It definitely means alot.

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Great stuff there. Congratulations.

If you see the 2 I got this weekend it was all because of my youngest son taking me out and making sure I was okay(I have some problems from falling 2 weeks ago). He got them out and up to the house and even dressed them out. I think he feels the same as you do John.

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Great story, my dad is retired now and slowing down. Still out there every year! There is a website that a forum member posted a while back that is pretty cool. I used it to make the image below. My dad still has it on his TV as the center show piece. Perhaps you might find it useful.? I'm just now noticing the thumbs down symbol? I didn't put it there and can't seem to get rid of it?



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VERY, VERY cool man! I'm happy for you guys...I can definitely appreciate your story too. Just this last Sunday my little brother and I got to share a moment with our dad in the woods that we'll never forget. My dad scored on a Beautiful mid-day 8 pointer, his biggest buck yet. And It was just such a cool hunt, the three of us tracking and sharing the experience, I could go on forever, but I most certainly understand what you are saying...Definitely one of our best outdoor experiences. Congratulations!!!

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