A FANTASTIC day in the woods!!!!!! lots of deer an lots of sign!


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Well started out a good morning, not much wind, cool, it was perfect! Took my bow, sat n the blind an had a doe an forked horn (4-point) walk down on me this mornin an soon fallowed behind them was a lil spike! all w/ in shooting range but i was patient an held off. time when by an a desent 8 point was fallowing, but again not what i was looking for. so bout 11ish i got out an quitley walked through the damp woods an walked up on some a doe an 5 point eating acorns, so then waited tell they went out of sight an continued to walk up the fence line. i was about 50 yards from where the fence meet the rock fence, an there was a very nice 8! i blew the grunt a couple times to try to lure him on down but he showed no intrest. he continued his way away from me an ready to hit it next weekend! (RIFLE SEASON :gunsmilie:) so as i walked down the hill, i started looking for obvious sign an man was i supprised!!! total of 5 trees rubbed,each 10ft apart, 3 oak trees bout 4in around, an 1 ceeder bout 2in around, an 3 active scraps! "i thank daddy found a better spot lol". so good luck to everyone on the rut, an be safe!

"Take a child hunting"


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that does sound like a good day. I had one as well. I had 2 young doe come out of the corn and then walked up to within bow range and stopped to check out a "unicorn" (just a half a spike) behind me. But before that i saw a ground hog, followed by a kitty cat who apparntly pooped in this squirrel's yard because the squirrel climbed out onto a limb was just cursing this cat out. it was really very amusing:) then i had a flock of 8 turkey come in and strut around, 2 of them had about a 6-7 inch beard but i didn't have a tag for them. then i thought to myself "well gee the only thing i haven't seen on this hunt is a bear, coyotes or a fox." sure enough 5 minutes later here comes a little gray fox! even though there were no shooter bucks or anything it helped me realize the real beauty of nature and taught me a lot of patience.

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