how do you build a rifle stock?


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take the stock that is on there and look at all the places that need to be cut or chiseled out. then take a rasp and make the rough form of the stock u need. then once you do that start to hollow out where the barrel goes. then just use a chisel and cut outwat needs to be cut out. sand with 80 grit,then 150 then 220, then last before you finish it 600 grit sand paper. then buy a birchwood/casey finishing kit and that'll tell ya wat to do. it sounds easier than wat it is. but if you know wat u want it to look like and know how to use the tools you should be ok.

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actually there are places with gun stock duplicators, they will either use your old stock, or already have the blank you need, and rough out from your supplied blank a new stock, then you will have to fine tune it and do the finishing work, i dont have a website to show you, but my buddy used a place in arizona i believe

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