Awesome few weeks (pics)

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Just wanted to give everone a quick update on what all's been happening with Ralph, Vicki & the Posse over the last few weeks...

Last night ralph connected on this beautiful Illinois Buck...


About a week and a half ago Ralph & Vicki scored on these nice bucks at Double B Outfitters in ND...


While we were in ND, Posse members Lonnie & Bucky were in Newfoundland...Bucky took a moose and lonnie took a woodland Caribou and a black Bear...




And on our way up to ND we bumped in to Posse members Fred & Robert who were coming back from Ontario with a truck full of moose meat...



Great start to the season!!

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something tells me they don't need money....Gary, do they have to pay for these hunts, or do the shows do it for them? Are the guides giving these hunts away in exchange for exposure? I just kinda always assumed so, but now I'm kinda curious.

For the most part the cost of the hunt is traded for the advertising. There are times that the cost of the hunt is not covered and there are times (like the top buck) that we are basically hunting in our backyard like everyone else does.

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