I set a few traps


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These pics are from my deer camp in NY's Catskill Mtns.

I set a trail cam up in front of the traps.

I have been getting on my trail cam 3 really FAT coons and that inspired me to trap them. I have been leaving food scraps at this creek crossing since the beginning of the summer. The fur is prime now and I wanted one of those coons for the camp house wall. I set 3 traps, 2 live traps and one coon cuff.

I trapped perhaps the smallest coon that would fit into the trap. That is why I set the coon cuff, expecting them not to fit into the trap. But the cuff didn't trap anything. I have not had a chance to dye and wax my yote/fox traps yet. So I am making due with the live traps.


I skinned him up and in the freezer it went.


The next night I trapped a really BIG opossum.


I was on the fence about releasing him or shooting him. I did a little research and found out they are nest raiders.

My son Joe did the honors.


This is one of the coons I want to trap.

Look how BIG this one is! Huge huh?


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Holy crap what a coon Anthony! Looks like that big boy's been eating good. I havent trapped the first one this year, I have both of my live traps loaned out, I need to get them back soon or I may not ever see them, lol. I'm thinking of trying out some conibears on some yotes, I dont know if I'll be very successful with it, but I really dont want to have the demands of having to check my sets daily, and would like a good kill trap for them to get rid of some.

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How long have you had your traps set?

In NY we have to check our traps every 24hrs. So I usually set the traps right after I get to camp and remove them in the few days after I leave. But I constantly leave food scraps out at that spot to keep the visitors visiting:).

Where I have setting those traps is at a creek crossing that I have been leaving food scraps the whole summer. I have been anticipating fattening up whatever has been eating the food scraps and getting that prime fur.

I am gonna need a bigger live trap or tempt that BIG coon with the coon cuff. Sure is a fatty.

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In NY we have to check our traps every 24hrs. So I usually set the traps right after I get to camp and remove them in the few days after I leave. But I constantly leave food scraps out at that spot to keep the visitors visiting:).

Where I have setting those traps is at a creek crossing that I have been leaving food scraps the whole summer. I have been anticipating fattening up whatever has been eating the food scraps and getting that prime fur.

I am gonna need a bigger live trap or tempt that BIG coon with the coon cuff. Sure is a fatty.

LMAO....You don't need a bigger trap, that one will catch any size coon. He's just smarter then you and laughing at you. You need to figure out what it's gonna take to get him in there, that's all. Until then, he will keep laughing....LOL

By the way, I'm not making fun of you. I'm a proffessional trapper (that's how I make a living) and it happens to me every once in a while too....:bang:

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LMAO....You don't need a bigger trap, that one will catch any size coon. He's just smarter then you and laughing at you. You need to figure out what it's gonna take to get him in there, that's all. Until then, he will keep laughing....LOL

By the way, I'm not making fun of you. I'm a professional trapper (that's how I make a living) and it happens to me every once in a while too....:bang:

Thanks for the comments guys.

I appreciate the encouragement one shot :).

That fat one must be old and smart. I think I will lay down a few dirt sets with 1 1/2 leg hold traps this weekend around the live traps. I also have a nice new can of sardines for those live traps ;). That oughtta work as long as there are no cats coming by. I get house cats from time to time on my trail cam and in my traps :(. I hate cats but I let them go anyway. I will be at it again this weekend. Setting traps and bow in hand looking for deer.

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Thanks for the comments guys.

I appreciate the encouragement one shot :).

That fat one must be old and smart. I think I will lay down a few dirt sets with 1 1/2 leg hold traps this weekend around the live traps. I also have a nice new can of sardines for those live traps ;). That oughtta work as long as there are no cats coming by. I get house cats from time to time on my trail cam and in my traps :(. I hate cats but I let them go anyway. I will be at it again this weekend. Setting traps and bow in hand looking for deer.

Skip the sardines and try a couple of Reese's peanut butter cups. Cut them in half and put 2 halves in the back of the cage and the other one (still in the opened package) in the back of the cage. That should get him....:)

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LMAO....You don't need a bigger trap, that one will catch any size coon. He's just smarter then you and laughing at you. You need to figure out what it's gonna take to get him in there, that's all.

I got the fat boy Friday night:clap:. He did fit into that trap and boy was he loaded with FAT all over. There is one more coon left. I will leave that one to propagate. The fur is silver tipped, which is prime as prime can be :). I am happy.

I'll post pics later.

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