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Makes my blood boil! Here's the scoop, I baby my truck big time and do everything to keep it running and looking good. So I'm always checking it out and notice any little scratch ding or dent I might pick up. So today after work I pop into Walmart to pick up some Tinks 69 to see if it will draw any big bucks into my scouting camera set up. Anyhoo, I'm in the store maybe 8 minutes, and when I come out there is a dent and blue paint all scuffed up high on the bed of my truck right by the gas filler door. I'm like what the "Crud!" (although I was thinking of another word.) It is not a huge dent but the scuff is up high and rather long with lots of paint left behind so the moron who did this obviously knows they bumped into my truck. Well needless to say, they were gone when I got out there as no blue car next to me when I left and not even a note to say they are sorry for the damage. If you can't park your stinkin' car in between other vehicles that are parked neatly in between the lines, you should park in the back of the lot and WALK!!! I don't think I would be nearly as mad had they at least stayed around to tell me it was an accident and they are sorry, it's the whole sneaking off thing that really frosts my cupcake!!!! :angry:

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I can park perfectly fine but for this reason alone is why I park AWAY from everyone. My husband and everyone else in my family always make so much fun of me for it. Know what I tell them? Go look at any vehicle I've ever owned and tell me how many dents you can find.

It never fails when I have parked anywhere remotely near the front of a store, I will have the biggest piece of junk parked right beside me when I come back out. I swear some people do that crap on purpose.

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