Iowa Rut.. Lets get ready to Rumble..


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Iowans grab your gear and head for the woods...:)

looks like things are starting to kick off here. i saw 5 bucks crossing the road on my way to go hunting this morning. then i saw 3 bucks and 2 were chasing does hard and the 3rd was one of my target bucks. he came into 45 yards, but i just couldnt shoot it was too thick. also one of my other target bucks was on the move nov. 1st at 930pm.

the little bucks have been chasing for a little while, but i saw 3 shooters for sure walking along the road. im sure glad i took 4 days off of work this week. thurs, fri, sat and sun. i will be in a stand all day long all 4 of the days.

unless i tag out tomorrow..:D:D


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Best of Luck Tony. I am hunting here in Iowa also. Doesn't seem that acyive in my area though. There appears to be alot of roadkill but not much action sitting in the stand so far. I did see a big boy courting a hot doe in the middle of a cattle pasture today so sign is there. Where in Iowa are you at?

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i saw 7 differant bucks this morning. one was the big 10 point again. had him at just 30 yards, but it was too thick and on the other side of the fence. i dont have permission to hunt over there.

i passed 1 really nice 8 point at 16 yards and saw 2 other pope and young bucks. 3 popes in one day.. not a bad day in the stand.

bucks are grunting, chasing, running off other bucks and trailing any doe they see. i have the next 4 days off to hunt..:)


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