Strange drop in action........


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My trailcams showed that the hot & heavy chase began here on Sunday.

Monday morning I saw 9 different bucks from the stand. Tuesday morning.........5 different bucks. This morning............1 buck.

Monday I saw only a doe or two. Tuesday nite I watched 7 does feed on acorns for an hour without being checked by a single buck. This morning I had 2 does feeding on acorns for 1/2 hour and never had a buck come through.

Strange how the action had about a 1 1/2 day furious rush then nothing. This morning was 20 degrees. Shoulda been just perfect for bucks to be running.

Beats me. :confused:

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I bet you had one hot doe come into estrus, she got bred, and now they have began cruisin for another...

Yoohoooo! It's a full moon!

Those were my 2 first thoughts Don. Either they are on lockdown (which seems a little early) or it's the moon phase.

Around me the little guys sure are chasing. I have yet to see a shooter, but it's not far off I don't think. This weekend should be golden, although it's going to be a bit warm. :(

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I'm really having the same kind of action the last couple weeks. We have standing corn still up everywhere. My brother has been sitting just inside the woods by a small cornfield the last 3 nights and watch the deer pour out of the corn right before dark. Different bucks every night. Meanwhile I'm way back in the woods seeing 10 deer one night and nada the next. Full moon and tons of standing corn still are 2 major problems right now I reckon.:hammer1:

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I'm really having the same kind of action the last couple weeks. We have standing corn still up everywhere. My brother has been sitting just inside the woods by a small cornfield the last 3 nights and watch the deer pour out of the corn right before dark. Different bucks every night. Meanwhile I'm way back in the woods seeing 10 deer one night and nada the next. Full moon and tons of standing corn still are 2 major problems right now I reckon.:hammer1:

That's the exact problem I'm having. I'm hunting a cornfield corner that's near a thicket, deer have been traveling between the two but I haven't been seeing deer in the evening. I'm seeing all my deer in the morning on their way back into the corn.

With the full moon, I haven't seen anything besides turkey the last two evening hunts I've been on.

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