tagged my 32 in 10 years


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First, I replied in a Post here a week ago, I think, about deer not leaving all that much of a blood trail. This one didn't either. I found 2 places where blood was. He went less than 40 yards and piled up. Like I said in my reply, Illinois have big deer and are can be fat. This one field dressed 210 and had fat covering his hind quarters and all of his back and sides. Note; I used only Wildlife Acorn Hunting Scent only, nothing else. He actually came in on the path I used 20 minutes before. Yes, I got up late, even thought about crawling back in my nice warm bed. Deer can be deathly quiet, but this buck came in stomping like Godzilla was bearing down on me. LOL. He came in from behind my right shoulder. He was at about 15 feet when I spotted him out the corner of my eye. I had to wait until was rounding the brush before I could draw. Whatever sound I made when drawing had him turn and look right at me, about 15 yards. He looked me at for 15 or 20 seconds. A fatal mistake. Might have been the older Mossy Oak camo. The old CX 300 tipped with a 100 gr Shock Wave went in behind his left shoulder and exited in front of his left shoulder. Click on the pic and you can see where the arrow came out, at the end of his ear. The hole was big enough to stick my thumb in. This makes the 32 deer (I'll check my records) I have taken with the Shock Wave mechanical broadhead and no failures.

Buck  - Nov. 4, 2009 00321.jpg


Edited by SonnyThomas
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