European mount


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a European mount is not all that complicated and you can do it yourself. What you do is skin the head out and remove as much meat from the head as you can, this makes the later parts easier. Then when you have removed all the meat you can, cut around where the backbone meets the skull and you can cut or twist the head from the body. Next, take a large pot (filled with enough water to submerge skull) and a propane burner (b/c this can stink up your house). Put the skull in the water and boil it for about 3 hours or until the meat starts to fall off the bone. You can add a little baking soda to the water to make the meat come off easier. After you boil it, let it cool and remove all the meat you can. You also need to get the brain out too. You can take a long screwdriver or coat hanger and get it out. A hose also works well. When you have cleaned the skull as much as you can, soak the skull only in a 2:1 mixture of peroxide and water. Make sure not to get any peroxide on the antlers or it will cause it to discolor. Let the skull soak until it is white enough. I usually soak mine for a few days. Remove the skull from the peroxide and let it dry. The remaining cartilage and meat should be easy to get off once this drys out. All thats left is to put your European on a plaque or however you want to mount it.

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I just ask my clients to bring me the head if they want the real skull or to saw off the skull plate and horns if they want the artificial version. Looking at them its hard to tell which one is which. The artificial ones are easier and cheaper for me to do.

Interesting, I've been thinking about trying some of the artificial ones. I haven't had any customers ask for them, but I thought maybe I would try one using one of my deer.

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