rage broadheads


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Has any one had problems with blades on rage two blades not deploying .I shot a doe broadside which appeared a double lung shot and she bolted off and when i found my arrow one blade had not opened at all leaving almost no blood trail . I tracked her after about an hour and lost all blood and never did find her. I just switched from spitfires and i am thinking i made a mistake by doing this. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated .

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Don't let one bad broadhead spoil your RAGE 2-blade experience. They really are devastating and will deploy on contact. Here's what you do, write a letter, or make a call to the company on the package and send the broadhead back, tell em it did not work for you and you are not satisfied. Meanwhile, you should have 2 unused broadheads, before heading out into the field, check to make sure that the blades on them move smoothly and are not bent at all. If they do move freely and unrestricted then hit the woods and give em another shot, I promise you won't be disappointed again.

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Thanks for the info. I am going out again this weekend and i think i will use my spitfires until i can find out what went wrong.I shot her at fifteen yards in a cut beanfield so i know the arrow struck nothing but the deer it just makes feel awful to injure a deer and not recover it.Once again thank you. Chris, PS i emailed the company that owns them and so far have not heard anything back from them also due to an injury i shoot a tenpoint tl 7 crossbow and was thinking maybe this had something to do with it.

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i have had nothing but problems with the rage's. i have shot both 2 and 3 blade. shot a doe with the 3 blades and NONE of the blades opened up. swithched to 2 blades and had one open up on a doe and on a spike none opened up just like with the 3 blades. i said to heck with rage im stickin with wat i was using. i dont even like hearing about them im so disgusted.

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The old sayin' goes: Don't knock it till you have tried it.....so after reading this post, I don't guess i'll ever knock(nock) Rage broadheads. I have to agree with Steve, my Muzzies have never let me down, did buy some Bloodrunners this year (thought they looked cool) but the one shooter buck I have harvested this year was shot with a Muzzy MX4.

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Sorry to hear that Kyle, and I really thought you were a believer :(

Buddy I couldn't wait to try them out honestly, but after all the bad luck stories I've read on these forums this season, and after witnessing a dang near perfect shot on Kevins buck yesterday and losing him I won't try them. All the stories are the same too....good shot, good blood for 100-200 yards, then absolutely nothing. I can't explain it, but the one factor in all those stories this season that is the same is the rage 2 broadhead.

Sorry, but I have seen more bad than good from them. They leave an awesome cut on some shots, but after seeing that bruiser get away yesterday I can't trust em.

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Sorry, but I have seen more bad than good from them. They leave an awesome cut on some shots, but after seeing that bruiser get away yesterday I can't trust em.

that is really too bad to hear but I guess I can't blame you. it takes a first-hand experience of a good kill to become a REAL believer. I think that it's not just the RAGE broadheads though, I think there is a huge scepticism with any mechanical head, just because they aren't guaranteed to open everytime. whereas fixed heads are a for sure thing. Til I lose a deer I'll keep using em.

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My buddy shot a big buck last Wednesday. Really good blood for about 125 yards or so and then nothing. Lung shot...or so he thought.

Muzzy broadhead.

I shot a big doe the same morning. Single lung shot with a Rage 2-blade (straight down). She went 50 yards before piling up. I don't know why you find some deer and some you don't but you have to make a perfect shot. Rages are the baddest (in a good way) braodheads I have seen.

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i switched to the rage 2 blades this year, killed two bucks with them never had a problems with them opening up, awesome blood trail, so i told my uncle about these broadheads and he was convinced so he bought the three blade ended up shooting an 8 point he was at ten yards and walking hit him back in the guts, he only went 100 yards,,Im going to keep using the broadheads till i have problems with them,, if it ain't broke don't fix it

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i switched to the rage 2 blades this year, killed two bucks with them never had a problems with them opening up, awesome blood trail, so i told my uncle about these broadheads and he was convinced so he bought the three blade ended up shooting an 8 point he was at ten yards and walking hit him back in the guts, he only went 100 yards,,Im going to keep using the broadheads till i have problems with them,, if it ain't broke don't fix it

Yep, I shot my Wyoming antelope buck this year at 34 yards with a Rage 2 and it was a done deal. :cool: I'd still be shooting them if they were legal here in SD. :( For now though, I'll stick with my Muzzy MX-3s.

Dakota :)

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Ditto. Still really pleased with Rages.

Same here. I've only heard of them opening up too easy when walking with an arrow nocked. Then having to replace O-rings is another small problem. However, 99% of the time everyone I know that uses them has had great luck and awesome terminal performance. Maybe you got a bad batch or bent a blade? I have no idea what could've caused it.

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I'm not ready to blame the lost buck on the Rage. I saw the same shot that Kyle saw and to me it looked right in the boiler room. The deer was almost directly broadside(quartering to if anything) and according to Kyle, the Rage exited at the front shoulder. There could be a lot of things that caused this, maybe I deflected off a limb(near impossible), maybe I hit bone causing the broadhead to deflect or maybe one of the blades didn't deploy. I don't know.

What I do know, is I'm taking the last reason out of the equation. From now on I'm shooting fixed blade. This was the biggest buck of my bowhunting career and I made what I consider to be a great shot. And even if the Rage is not to blame, there's no way I can rule it out. But next year, when I'm sporting Muzzy's or Montecs or Magus' fixed blades, I won't be worried about mechanical failure when I lose a deer.

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I used the rage 2 bladed broadhead for the first time this year. It worked flawlessly. I shot A eight pointer last monday in Illinois An he went 40 yards and piled up. I shot A doe and she went 80 yards and bedded down I hit her far back. I waited a couple hours and went back she was dead right where she bedded down. I think it is not always the broadheads fault. When you dont put the arrow where it counts. I am not saying thats what happend. But I have seen what these do when they work and I can say they wrok great for me. I have had some luck with the spitfires too. But they will kick out on a severe angle from a treestand this I have seen and the buck lived. So i do think there should be good shot placement. I just cant imagine those rages not opening. But I guess anything is possible. I make sure before i use them to deploy the blades to ensure no binding did you do that? Same with any mechnical head.

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