Need Help From Summit Climber Owners


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Hello All

I have the Titan model that I bought last yr. Today my clip to the carrying straps broke as I was descending from the tree. I tied a knot in on one of the straps to the platform just so I could get down. I was wondering if anyone else has had this happen to them as well. I seem to get the straps caught behind my gripping teeth alot also. I see Summit;s website has the replacement part for $15. My question is if any of you found a remedy to fix rather than buy a new one just to have that one break in short order. I was thinking of just using some strong rope to tie straps to platform just not sure if there is a better way.

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Which clip are you talking about? The one that you tie the two platforms together while climbing? If so, Summit always tells you to make two loops around each platform for safety. You could always use a small stainless steel carabiner on the ends of the rope loops. I say stainless steel because they will not rust.

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Thanks for the reply guys. I will give the second slat a try. I have been using the first slat instead of the v section the last couple of times. I feel more comfortable having them attached to each other after my clip broke while decending. Was a little worried at first til I improvised with the strap. I never thought of a carabiner that might work well also.

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Maybe im asking for trouble but i never tie the top to the bottom. has never been a problem hopefully never will

Don't hope are gambling BIG time with your life. It takes a simple fix to do and does NOT complicate your climbing at all. PLEASE tie both sections together. PLEASE?

I have the Summit Broadhead Backpacker and never had a problem like that. The only issue I have is with the flimsy shoulder straps that bite into your shoulders. They sell the pads, but why doesn't it come with the stand when you buy them?

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Originally Posted by bghunter777 viewpost.gif

Maybe im asking for trouble but i never tie the top to the bottom. has never been a problem hopefully never will

Well, if the bottom ever leaves your feet while your climbing, you will wish you had tied them together! ;)

Yep, please take this advice. May not ever happen, but if it does you may end up in a bad situation.

Rope will work, just something strong enough to catch your platform if it was to fall.

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