Calling Sequences?

Ethan Givan

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Hey guys, from reading some earlier posts I have noticed some of you are having some success with grunting and using your can call. I have tried it some with out any response and I was wondering if you guys could expain how you like to do the calling sequence. How many grunts and bleats do you make...and how long in between each sound, and also how long do you wait between each calling sequence? Im afraid I might be over calling when I do it but im not sure.

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Grat question Ethan!

What worked for me last year has yet to work this year for me????

Last year I'd do about 5-7 "pops" with the grunt call (quick breaths into the call as I turn my head 180 degrees. During November 1st-late November is when I do this. Sometimes I'll end the sequence with a louder and longer grunt. I do this without seeing a deer about every 20-30 minutes trying to catch a buck crusing that I don't see. This is what I've had the best success with.

Since I've had no luck this year I'm trying to add some doe calls (the can) to the beginning or end of the grunting. No luck so far.

When I see a deer seems he's either cominng to the grunting or not. Doesn't seem to matter what I do as long as he can hear it.

I gave up on rattling. Never has worked for me.

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I think I have been over calling. I have been doing a grunt...then a couple bleats...then another grunt...then a bleat..then one more grunt.

I havnt done any rattling because there are alot more does than bucks and many of the bucks around here are small and Im afraid rattling will scare them away. Might try it a little if i get desperate though.

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You have to realize that bucks looking for does are on the move. I try to call every 20 minutes or so when things are really slow. Blind calling can catch you off guard! A randy buck can be on you in an instant!

I use a regular fawn bleat call with the can in unison. Wait a couple minutes and do a tending grunt like a buck following a doe. About 10-12 short erps I always call in a circle never calling toward one direction cupping the grunt tube and using inflection.. The only time I will use an aggressive call is WHEN I see a good buck that might be the boss...His reaction will tell me what to do next.

Does it work? Every once in a while you will have one come in to whatever you throw at him. Then there are those days when they just ain't in the mood...

Edited by ruttinbuc
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Outside of rut, I don't usually use grunt call unless a deer in sight. Now that we're getting into rut, I've had good luck rattling about every 15-20 minutes. Usually mix up the rattling about a minute or so. As others stated, works awesome when you know there's a buck within close distance. I rattled in two small 7 pointers about 30 minutes apart. Was able to get them in, let them go off, got into next sequence and they came back.

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