North/South Running Funnels


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I've got two good stands in North/South running funnels and the best winds to hunt are easterly winds. This weather we're having is terrible, and we've got a south wind right's my question-

The deer come from the north or the I go ahead and hunt this stand and hope the deer come from my upwind side? It's a 50-50 toss up. It's either hunt with a mediocre wind, or stay home. I'm leaning towards the hunting with a mediocre wind, seeing how it should be prime time (even though it's 75 degrees)


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Im hunting in a very similar spot, but i have another spot to hunt when the wind isnt right, but yes east winds are the best, so if the winds are any other way i hunt another spot, sucks that the wind isnt co-operting, but u cant shoot em of the couch, so i guess its not a bad idea going in

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I agree with Ruttinbuc on the get higher up strategy. The higher up you get the less wind matters. Of course you need a good stand and safety system to do this. In situations like you're describing, in my experience there are two main things that help you beat the wind the most effectively.

1. Get higher. Between 20 and 25ft is plenty.

2. Hunt longer! The longer you are up high the more your scent on the ground you left coming in dissipates. In my experience this takes at least three hours (varies based on how used to people the deer are). Safest bet is to plan on being in the stand at least four hours! Make sure your stand is comfy so you can gut it out that long. Getting in the stand only an hour prior to when the deer are most active is a serious mistake in a fickle wind.

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I agree with Ruttinbuc on the get higher up strategy. The higher up you get the less wind matters. Of course you need a good stand and safety system to do this. In situations like you're describing, in my experience there are two main things that help you beat the wind the most effectively.

1. Get higher. Between 20 and 25ft is plenty.

2. Hunt longer! The longer you are up high the more your scent on the ground you left coming in dissipates. In my experience this takes at least three hours (varies based on how used to people the deer are). Safest bet is to plan on being in the stand at least four hours! Make sure your stand is comfy so you can gut it out that long. Getting in the stand only an hour prior to when the deer are most active is a serious mistake in a fickle wind.

I also agree.

scent free as possible, and use a cover scent as well, like "fresh earth", "acorns" or whatever is good for your area. Fresh Earth scent works everywhere. :). It wouldn't hurt also, to leave a good scent trail going in. Spray your boot soles on the way in with "dominant buck", or if the rut has kicked in, use some "doe in estrus".

When the rut is on, I like spraying my boots with Dominant Buck scent, and doe in heat on my drag rag. and then spray things up a bit around your stand before you climb up.

Let that wind work for you instead of against you. :)

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