First buck!


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Alright here’s the story. So we got out pretty late that day round 1ish gets dark around 6ish after the time change here in Ohio. And we finally got permission to hunt some land right next to my grandmothers land. Which had a nice plowed field and woods. We being my step dad and I. So since this was a new spot my step dad said he had saw a nice tree to put a ladder stand up in, he had hunted it the day before but the spot was new to me. There was only one problem… All we had was a climber which he was going to use. After thinking about it we decided to go to gander mtn. and get us a ladder stand. So we go in there we see the stand we want in a box at the bottom of about 10 other box’s…go figure. NO customer service and it was a Tuesday (election day, so I didn’t have school, that’s the only reason I got to hunt that day), so there was nobody in the store, but we still had to get the stand are self. So after 5 min. of getting the stand out from under the box’s, we got it bought then drove out.

After about 20 min. driving to are spot 2 hours away, my step dad remembers he has a stand in a storage unit his parents own. (the stand we bought we couldn’t even put it together because we did not have the tools.) So he’s like lets go get the one in storage. Another problem of course. His mom was not there and she had the keys to the storage. He called a few times no answer. Then right as we were about to go past the storage units. She pulled in. Thank god. Then of course the stand was all the way in the back of a bunch of junk. There’s another 10 min. , time was running out, then I remember him saying.” Sam were going in a little late might not see anything today.”

So we finally get to the spot. Now all we had to do was put up the stand. And what a pain that was. We made so much racket that I was almost certain we would see anything. There I am sitting in my stand at about an hour till dark. The day felt more like a chore day then a hunt. I remember that we had to put the stand up so fast that the trail they traveled most was on my right ( the angle I didn’t want), which meant I would have to use my none shooting arm with my cross bow. So I was praying that they would come on my left which we thought they wouldn’t.

Crush! Crush! I hear a little 4 point come behind me so I swivel to the left to check him out. Being a buck I probably would have shot him just to get my first buck. Right as the four came out. My buck(the 9 pointer) came stomping in. I thought o man! What a beautiful buck! I swiveled to the right a little and waited for him to get closer. There was two bushes, and about a 10 ft gap between them. So I waited for him to walk between them. At first he acted like he was going to walk back up the hill he came from. Keeping in mind I forgot my grunt all I could do was pray he turned around. My prayer was answered.

He slowly walked the trail, his head made it past the first bush. I picked my bow up slowly off my knee. Then fired…he had dropped right there. Spine shot. What a rush. He was still moving, I called my step dad from my cell phone, to tell him the news. I asked if I should put another arrow into him from the stand he said yea. Then I realized the platform from the stand was to small to load my bow. So I got down from the stand. Took my step dad about 10min. To get over to where I was. By then the buck was still alive so he told me to go over there, stand back from the antlers and fire one into his heart and lung area. Which I did.

And that’s my story. Definitely will not forget that day. Nov 3, 2009.

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