This is very disappointing


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Our Church has been undertaking a construction project for a new fellowship hall for several years now. The building is a metal building with two stories and is 50x100.

Our Church has been having bake sales, BBQ's, etc. for quite some time now and members have been giving substantial amounts of money to the building fund at their own sacrifice.

Well, sometime between the hours of 5:00 and 8:00 in the evening some vandals--probably teenagers--entered the building and threw chairs (folding metal chairs) through the windows and glass doors and even knocked some of the window frames completely out of the building. They also took a piece of rope and tied a noose and hung it over the balcony.

They also must have brought along a airsoft bb gun because they shot up the back side of our church including the vinyl siding and the lights. The popo found several airsoft co2 cartridges.

What is wrong with people? I mean I engaged in teenage hijinks but never anything that was destructive and I wouldn't have even ever THOUGHT about destroying anyone's property.....especially God's property. There is no fear any more of God or reverence of his property.

We were probably a month away from being able to start using the building. We hadn't had locks on it yet because the metal stairs to the upstairs hadn't been installed and the locksmith needed them to be installed before he could come out.

The worst part is that the popo said that if it was teenagers and they found fingerprints on the CO2 cartridges it was illegal for them to go back and compare fingerprints against teenager's prints because they are minors.

What a shame! I know that God will turn this into something positive--who knows maybe our church will receive donations far in excess of the cost of this damage to help us complete it. But it is frustrating that these punks did this.


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Evil does exist in this world.

Lucky for us there is far more good than evil though, and the way I know God, something good will come of this later down the road. Sorry to hear you and your church has to go through this pain to experience the good that will come out of it. Thoughts & prayers will be with you and your church community.

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I will third that.

You would think that many in the Church would be out for blood and we would like to see these people caught and punished and made to pay restitution before they encounter someone in one of their plunder runs and someone gets hurt....however, today the prayers were for the souls of those people who did this.

Fortunate for us, we have a local County Police officer worshipping with us so while the responding officer didn't care anything about calling CSI, he was able to make it happen. They fingerprinted the metal chairs, CO2 cartridges, and other things we know they touched. If they have a record, it should be easy to find them.

We will be fine. We have a great congregation and given the publicity and outcry this has made I wouldn't be surprised if the community surrounding this didn't send in contributions to help fix this.


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new, you said it correctly. the kids today have no fear of god. in fact, schools have gone out of their way to assure god no longer has a place in society. godless kids are full of hate.

if we ever get god back in our schools and our lives, our culture may return over time. then the kids can get back to the good old bad things, like bags of poop on fire on the front steps. lol

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You said it Steve, our government was formed on religion--not one in particular but belief in God.

I wish that our founding fathers could come back and see what lawyers have done to our Country....there would be some real changes in the Constitution no doubt.

I think the separation of Church and State would be changed as would the Second Amendment and probably the First with respect to flag burning, etc.

Oh well, the Church will be made whole and hopefully this will be something more that God forgives these people for later.


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You said it Steve, our government was formed on religion--not one in particular but belief in God.

I wish that our founding fathers could come back and see what lawyers have done to our Country....there would be some real changes in the Constitution no doubt.

I think the separation of Church and State would be changed as would the Second Amendment and probably the First with respect to flag burning, etc.

Oh well, the Church will be made whole and hopefully this will be something more that God forgives these people for later.


No Kidding!!! Those poor guys must be looking down pulling out their hair with what they're seeing happening here...

Any leads in the vandalism yet??? Someone must've seen something...

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Nothing yet to my knowledge.......

I can't imagine that the geniuses that did this can resist telling people 'you know that Church that made the news, we did that'.

Someone knows, in this economy that reward would come in handy. I think much of the problem is that most rewards are offered by the police or some organization and most are never really paid.....saw a news article about that a while back. Most people who turn in others for rewards somehow are 'disqualified' because of their criminal history or something else.

However, this reward is being offered out of the personal funds of a few members and if the persons responsible are convicted, it will be paid.

Someone told us that a new school in the area that just opened had their first football game in the stadium just down the road that Friday night so I assume it was teens on their way to/from the game or some locals that live in the next neighborhood. We found a hole cut in the fence between us and the neighborhood next to us that is just about human sized.

Sad day we live in.


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Nothing yet to my knowledge.......

I can't imagine that the geniuses that did this can resist telling people 'you know that Church that made the news, we did that'.

Someone knows, in this economy that reward would come in handy. I think much of the problem is that most rewards are offered by the police or some organization and most are never really paid.....saw a news article about that a while back. Most people who turn in others for rewards somehow are 'disqualified' because of their criminal history or something else.

However, this reward is being offered out of the personal funds of a few members and if the persons responsible are convicted, it will be paid.

Someone told us that a new school in the area that just opened had their first football game in the stadium just down the road that Friday night so I assume it was teens on their way to/from the game or some locals that live in the next neighborhood. We found a hole cut in the fence between us and the neighborhood next to us that is just about human sized.

Sad day we live in.


Wow...that blows. but if they were on their way to a football game, they most certainly talked about it figuring the noise of the game would cover them up...but there's always that one person who has to put their nose in everyone's conversations and listen in!!! They'll come forward, it might just take some time!!!

Hope they find someone who knows soon! :)

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No doubt about that.....we moved into a subdivision that is more like a bar than a subdivision. We have to be careful when we let the kids out because both of my nextdoor neighbor's adult children live at home (neither work) and they do nothing but stand in the garage and smoke/drink and cuss like sailors.

I was talking with another neighbor who was asking me how many times I go to Church a week and I told him three (twice Sunday, once Wednesday). He wished me luck with all that 'God stuff' and then proceeded to joke that God had already da#$ed him to **** and then laughed and walked off. I just told him that it is never too late.

What a thing to say as if you are bragging. He believes in God because we talked about the fact that God isn't happy with abortion. How can a person know that there is a God and that they are headed to **** and not shake at the thought of it?

I hope he changes his ways.


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Yeah praying for them is not bad, but they will never get it that your church prayed for them. They will laugh and think everyone in there must be crazy.

We need young people to be held accountable for their actions, and get what is just and fair punishment for their choice thay have made, whatever the crime may be.

I shudder at the world today, and where the lawyers and politicians have pushed it to. These kids understand one thing...... getting their butts whipped and thrown in jail for the crimes they have committed. I just can't take it anymore.


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How can a person know that there is a God and that they are headed to **** and not shake at the thought of it?

His view of **** is probably similar to a modern prison, which is more like a resort than an incarceration facility. Let's change the prisons back to bread and water and hard labor and maybe people would be more afraid of what would happen if they did wrong. All we can do is pray for people that and let them see Christ through us.

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