Flextone 'Buck Collector' Deer Call


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I went to the sporting goods store recently and while there decided to pickup one of these Flextone 'Buck Collector' deer calls. I had seen the marketing and videos about it on TV, and for 15 dollars decided to buy one.


I like it because you can make several different calls without changing any O-Rings or reeds, instead you just press the 'buttons' molded into the plastic.

This past week I hunted a lot with it and the deer were very receptive to calls. I grunted in several does and bleated in a nice little fork horn buck.

This is a great product, and I wanted to share.

The temps were around 28 degrees every morning and didn't get up above 32 until mid-morning, and this call never once froze up like other grunt tubes have.

I would highly recommend this call.

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