Great successful weekend!


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We got up Friday morning and hit a stand in hopes of shooting a deer we call T-rex. It was 9:30AM and the wind was switching so we decided to get down and move to the stand at the bottom of the timber, only 70 yards away. My brother had just put the camera away and was holding my bow to lower it to me, when he looks up and says 'big buck coming'. I look up and 60 yards away is a HUGE rack coming right for us. I instantly knew it was the 5.5 year old giant we had been after....we did not expect this to happen. He is walking 40-45 yards away. I stopped him 3 times but each time he stopped behind some brush, so I never got a shot. He started to trash a tree a 55 yards and eventually made his way away from us.


This takes us into Sunday morning....Well this morning we decided to sit in the spot where Jordan and I had the encounter Friday night with Wacky Rack. This time dad would be cover the top side, and we would be only 70 yards right below him covering the bottom. If anything wanted to walk through the timber it was going to have to go by one of us, presenting at the furthest a 20 or 30 yard shot. icon_e_wink.gif The sun was rising and we seen some bucks chasing does way off in the pasture. One was a GREAT 2.5 year 10 point that is going to be the future 'Wacky' of the farm. Little later a buck came out close by us, headed down to the creek and eventually came back up to us and walked through the timber 60 yards away. At 8:30 I spotted what looked like a nice deer on the hillside coming to us, just liked we had planned when we hung these stands. I quickly binoed him and before I could even focus in on him, I knew it was T-rex....the brows were a dead give away! I wasn't sure if he would come right to us, or go up the hill like the other little buck, so I grunted a couple times. At the same time I seen dad was on his phone, so I got his attention, signaling a nice buck was coming. I grabbed my bow as he was making his way down the fenceline....right for us. He got to about 40 yards and started to angle in the timber. I wasn't sure if he was going to just continue up the hill or cross our path at 25 yards. I could feel the wind on the back of my neck as it swirled and was blowing right in his direction. I decided that I should take him at my first possible opportunity. He was thirty yards, broadside, so I bleated but he did not stop. I waited till he got to my next lane and bleated, he didn't stop, so right away I pretty much yelled at him and he whipped his head up....that got his attention. He was thirty yards, slightly, slightly, quartering away. This was perfect. I let the arrow fly and was severely disappointed when I seen it hit back in the liver. I knew it would eventually be a lethal shot, but still after all the practice and knowing I can nail that shot anyday, I was disappointed to not nail this buck. So he ran up the hill and happened to run and stop 20 yards from dad. Dad seen that my shot was a little back so instead of risking things he made the choice to put another arrow in him just for assurance. I would have done the same thing if I was in his place as you just as well instead of taking the chance of possibly not finding the buck. So dad got a second arrow in him. This time the buck ran thirty yards....stopped and stood for about 5 minutes....and then laid down and died. After getting down and checking things out, my arrow exited a little ahead of the entrance and was covered in blood as it went through the liver....a rage through the liver and the deer wouldn't have lasted long. He was bleeding really good after that shot and then had no chance after dad's shot. After checking him out we are sure he is at least 4.5 years old and definetly needed taken out as he did not grow from last year to this year. He had broken off his right main beam within the past couple days, and has a scar on top of his head, neck, and in his tear duct.....he was a tough deer and tough fighter that's for sure. With a neck like that I am sure he was pushing many deer around and out of the area. We also have many trail cam pics of him, and have had a couple distant encounters this year and last year. T-rex was high up on the hit list, and this was the first buck taken with a bow off the new land! Great team effort by all three of us! icon_e_wink.gificon_cool.gif

(just wanted to add to the the entrance is not as far back as it looks in the pictures. icon_e_wink.gificon_e_smile.gif )




Last year....



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