mod needed in the youth room


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Yea, I got. thanks for letting us know.

In the future, if you would hit the little yellow triangle above the post to "REPORT" it, it will send an email to all mods and might be quicker to get deleted that way and draw less attention to it than posting a thread about it in the lounge does. But either way, we appreciate the help.


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Yea, I got. thanks for letting us know.

In the future, if you would hit the little yellow triangle above the post to "REPORT" it, it will send an email to all mods and might be quicker to get deleted that way and draw less attention to it than posting a thread about it in the lounge does. But either way, we appreciate the help.


Including a link in your PM's help too.

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Yea, I got. thanks for letting us know.

In the future, if you would hit the little yellow triangle above the post to "REPORT" it, it will send an email to all mods and might be quicker to get deleted that way and draw less attention to it than posting a thread about it in the lounge does. But either way, we appreciate the help.


Does that thing really work? I used it a few months ago when we had a spammer. I later asked William (I think) if he got an email and he said no. Please make sure this Yellow Triangle function actually does its job.

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Does that thing really work? I used it a few months ago when we had a spammer. I later asked William (I think) if he got an email and he said no. Please make sure this Yellow Triangle function actually does its job.

Think it notifies only the mods listed for those particular rooms if I am not mistaken. Not sure if there is another option to notify all mods, seems there has been some reported posts in the past for rooms I have gotten for rooms I am not a mod for.

I did ban one and delete one while I was at Randy's in Wisconsin, he got to see a banning live, lol.:clown: Don't recall which user it was, and just happened to catch it while jumping on a minute to post an update, but it was certainly not appropriate for these forums.

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