grunt calls


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Have several and the old black o ring call works pretty well for me, that is my favorite of all the calls I have. Have called in quite a few deer with it. Tried it in Wisconsin some last week and did get a mature buck in Sunday morning shortly after moving to the stand I sat, just too bad he ducked and my arrow sailed over his back.

Not really all that impressed with the true talker.

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Well the buck on the wall liked the old Quakerboy Game Calls "Long Range Buck Grunt" that had the long extended tube that flared out on the end.

Well it did until I cut it it would fit in my shirt pocket and it was only 3-4 inches long then.

For whatever reason I switched to the Primos Buck Roar this year and so far nothing with it.

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I never had any luck with grunt tubes for years. I tried them all, including the true talker. But I read here on RT that some people liked using the Primos Buck Roar as a grunt tube. I gave it a try and wowsers, it called in 4 bucks over a 2 hour period. Since then I have called in a bunch of bucks including a nice crotch horn two days ago. I wouldn't trade it for any other call.

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hands down....true talker!


I love the True Talker. I use it to cover my sound when i walk out to my stand(i make a low grunt as i take every 2nd step, to simulate a buck grunting thru an area). It works too. First time i used it, i have a doe walk within 4 feet of me(head down) before it looked up and bolted. Last time, i happen to turn around(not yet to the stand) and saw a doe eating directly behind me, about 15 yards(never saw me). It really seems to calm the does into a false sense of security. :)

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