Deer Pictures from Iowa

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All these deer have never been posted on the web.So i thought i would let people see them.My two brothers and i have been hunting for over 30 years each.I still have a few more to add But have to get pictures from my other brother.

Guys and gals i have a website that i'm just starting .Would be honored if some of you would post some of your pictures and send me a post.There are some pictures on it from my web cam .Google seach for . Also any help on it would be great i need all the help i can get.Also If you get a Iowa tag and would like to go contact me i'm sure i have room for a exstra hunter maybe two.

I'm not a guide and there is no charge.I will not tell u that you will kill a trophy but i will say this you will have the same chance to kill one as me they are not tied up out back.LOL No pen all fair chase .The only thing is you must be in good shape and can walk.

Oh i almost for got i got a deer this morning.LOL on my way hunting one desided to jump out in front of my truck.Never hurt the truck but killed the deer.Not hurt so i gave it to some people who could use it.

Have great year!!! Shot gun is coming up so if i dont get one with a bow maybe i will during gun season .I have passed a couple of deer in the 140;s they will be bigger next year.

(Take a kid hunting)

Edited by Rick Smith
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