having a downer day.....


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its just one of those days today. Just saw my grade for my math test that i took last week and i did worse than horrible. Not sure if im goin to pass that class. I studied for days for that test. Have two more tests this week plus a ton of homework due and work on top of it all. Just feeling really run down. Hard to get motivated to do anything right now.

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The secret to math is to remember that math is nothing more than a set of repeatable rules.

Most people don't get to the point where they can figure out the rules. They work a problem (sometimes while a little overwhelmed) and never get to the point where they start at the beginning and figure out where they violated the rules.

My son and daughter are bad at math but by boiling a math problem (say adding fractions) to its base rules, such as:

1) Convert the fractions to a common denominator.

2) Add the numerators.

3) Don't change the denominator.

That has helped them tremendously.

Figure out the rules for each type of problem and the mystery is gone. There are no problems that exist outside the rules.


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Man I know where your coming from. My second semester of calculus I was ready to pull my hair out. But when I say second semester, I actually mean taking Cal one over again cuz I was failing, lol. Just gotta bone up, find some friends that can help you out, and keep at it. Eventually you'll fight your way through it if you are persistent.

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man I'm there with ya....I am basically alone up here at college. I'm away from my family and my girlfriend, it's just freaking lonely. I have had all kinds of home work and all kinds of tests in the last few weeks. I am actually looking at transfering to a different school to get closer to friends, family and my girl.

Keep at it buddy, and I'll do the same.

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