My camo got blood on it! (photos)


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Got this doe yesterday evening...around 4:30pm is my guess. She came in, leading her mama from behind me. I was turned and ready, heard them coming. I drew before she stepped out from some hemlocks...had to hold a little bit when she stopped, then she steppedo ut from behind a tree and I thought she was closer to 15 yards but more like 10 when I shot and with the angle...and my adrenaline, I spined her first shot!:hammer1::oops::no: Not what I wanted at all...she fell and I put on another arrow and slipped in her lungs, slight quartering away laying on the ground..nicked the stomach on that shot but wasn't too bad a mess. I really felt bad...there's always a first time I guess...never spined one before...dont' want to again either but it happens. Glad I could get that second shot in. I got down, went back to the car, drove it up the one field on the tractor path then walked back in and she was expired. Took this photo, self-timer on camera, then got her cleaned out and dragged her by myself,lol, I can manage the littles ones otherwise I'll call home and Andy comes with the dolley. Andy got her skinned andh anging last night. I had to go meet an old boss from custodial about dog sitting with my it was a long-ish night last night. Took the morning off, I have a deer hangover,lol. Needed to wash my bloody camo. Now we are going into the last week of archery, time to put a rack on the ground! Going to go to a place today, see if they have some doe estrous. In the meantime, this will be a tasty one.


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