South Winds????????


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Got blown out today with the NorE'aster heading our way. Really don't have anything for that wind. Then again with the bucks on the move they could come from anywhere. We rarely get a true South wind here. It is usually WSW which can be very good for the hunting. Stick it out. I am going out in the 25mph NE wind in a few. You never know.

Edited by ruttinbuc
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Got blown out today with the NorE'aster heading our way. Really don't have anything for that wind. Then again with the bucks on the move they could come from anywhere. We rarely get a true South wind here. It is usually WSW which can be very good for the hunting. Stick with out. I am going out in the 25mph NE wind in a few. You never know.

Couldn't agree more! You just never know when it's gonna happen!

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After hunting this area (Iowa) for the past 20 years I am prepared and have three stands that can be hunted with south winds. In the past it was just too frustrating waiting for north winds and wasting days. I got smart and put three up and if I use then great, if I don't then that much better.

Good luck to all

the dog

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This hurricane is about to bring some wind from the south up to yall. Right now its gusting at around 30mph, so if you go out in it you might want to stake yourself to the ground.

The wind here will be NE-NNE though the whole storm JackedUpZ71. Most everything coming up the coast is influenced by the gulf streams warm water and the cool air putting a counter clockwise spin on the wind.

I found a spot tonight hunting the ground where some does passed a ways out. Have to find a good tree there and put it to the plan for NE wind for a couple days.

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It's killing me too! In order to hunt my favorite rut spot, only time I hunt this area is during the rut, and I need a north wind or north west wind, Well the hang on and ladder stand haven't gotten much use cuz I have had to pack my lone wolf climber in with me all but one or two times i have hunted the area. What a joke. Mother nature needs to get back on track!!

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