My vetrans day success!! (pics)


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Shot my biggest bow kill buck to date yesterday at 11:30!! In the morning I went to the farm I missed the big 9 pt on sunday and got skunked! Did not see any movement, and was frustrated so I decided to head to another farm owned by a buddies inlaws about 20 minutes from this farm. I was hoping to catch some mid day movement by cruising bucks running a creek bottom between two cornfields. The fingers that run into the top picked cornfield are deep and the does love to bed in them for cover. I also had a specific deer in mind that I had seen out of a different stand a week prior that gave me the slip. I had a doe decoy out that day in small food plot next to standing corn and 2 bucks come around the corner and the back buck was a tripple drop tine buck with a broken front right leg. He hung up at 60 yds not likeing what he saw with the decoy there. The wind was wrong to hunt that stand so I went to the one on the creek bed that has some good sign on it. got in the stand about 10. Shortly after I get a phone call from my good friends the Oitkers. I tell Randy Sr. that I moved and had not seen anything yet and was going to head to another spot about 1 or so. He tells me to hang tight cause mid day is when everyone they have talked to had been seeing good bucks on there feet between 10 and 2. As soon as I hang up the phone I snortwheeze , buck roar and then crash the horns. I look to my right and I see movement about 5 minutes later. I see the deer limping and knew right away it was the tripple drop tine buck!! He is headed to try and get down wind of me which would make him cross the creek. I grunted again when he went down to the creek and he came back and straight to me. I had out a Tinks Rut stick and when he smelled that he started looking for the doe. He walked down a small bank right in my shooting lane and I let him have it! I hit him way far back from where I was aiming but he piled up 50 yds from the stand. I could see blood gushing out so I knew he would die but I was so po'd with the shot. The only thing i could think of was I had my grunt tube around my neck and when I drew back my bow string caught it and I jerked to the right when I released.(wont make that mistake again) Thank goodness I seen him fall and he stayed right there and expired. I had been saying I was going to put a pic of my 8 week old son in his realtree on here since he was born but I wanted to wait till I had buck down to make it even better!! My daughter, also pictured, was super excited I got this deer!! She even wanted to help skin it and when I got home she had camo shirt on waiting for me. It had been a frustrating season so far and I had hunted hard and alot so this is a little redemption. One down and one more buck to go! I can kill one more buck with my bow before next fridays gun season. If I dont I have an either sex tag for gun season. In a perfect world I will tag out sunday on a buck and wont even have to gun hunt! Well I might go just to put another doe in the freezer if I am that lucky!(for some reason the pics are small so I will post some better ones when I figure out what the deal is) Ryan

buck 09-2.jpg

buck 09-5.jpg

buck 09.jpg

buck 09-9.jpg

buck 09-7.jpg






Edited by Ilbowman
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  Ilbowman said:
I am having trouble posting the pics bigger any ideas. I have them saved in my pictures from and email. is there a way to take them from the email directly to the site?

Your best bet is to open up a Photobucket account (it's free) and upload your pictures to there, and then you'll have an link from there to here.

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  Ilbowman said:
Thanks guys!! Mike he looks bigger in the pics than he is but the rack is so unique I could not pass him! I have passed a few tweener bucks hunting with the oitkers and then had my depressing miss on a big nine last sunday so this is definately satisfying.

Must be the small pics and my aging eyes. I wouldn't pass a buck like that anywhere!. He would be a giant here though. I keep forgetting the Illinois standard is much different than New Jersey's. I passed on a couple bucks that I probably would have been real happy with normally. The hard part is wondering if the big boys you passed them for are ever going to show again. I am happy for you, Ryan! Looks like little Keeden and Kaylyn are too! :D

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He is my biggest bow kill to date so I am super happy with this buck plus we are inching closer to gun season and once the guns a blaising we stop seeing alot of movement for a while so he was the best buck(other than the 9pt I missed) I had seen in alot of days hunting(so my wife would say lol) My buddy Mike(his inlaws is where I killed the buck) Has killed two good bucks that will go 150 and probably push 165, said he would not have passed this buck either. We have him on trail cam where I had the first encounter with him. For having a broken right front shoulder he sure did travel alot! My daughter was excited and she is looking forward to taking her hunter ed class in febuary!! Next youth season she might be posting her first deer!!


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  dogdoc said:
that's a buck of a lifetime.



Sure is in my book too Todd. That's going to look great on the wall. Can't wait to see some bigger pics. I've hunted all my life and seen some nice deer, but still havent even seen anything with drops like that, let alone connected on one. Congratulations Ryan.

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