how far do you hang?

Hunt or be Hunted

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I would agree with the terrain and surrounding trees. You don't want to get to high and have smaller trees blocking good shooting lanes. I usually am at around 17-20 ft with my climber and my ladders are 15 ft. I have shoot deer out of a wooden platform stand that is probably 9 ft at most at floor level. Main thing is to be scent free as possible and use the wind to your advantage to where you anticipate the deer to come from. Also limit your movements at the lower height levels.

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It depends I have 3 ladder stands and my climber, with the ladder stand there at 15, 15 and 17 but my climber is a different story, I'll go as high as I need to, I'm been 12ft up for bear hunting and when I was hunting in a old pine grove (ya know how they dont have branches up a way's) I was up 29ft, I'm usually around 20 or 22ft the highest I've ever been was about 32ft, I have a 30ft bow rope and it was off the ground and I was still going up. But I usually just go up as high as I can/have to/able, I sometimes might be able to go up 25 ro 28 ft but can only see to shoot if i'm below 23 ft. So it depends ALOT on the area I'm hunting. On food plots or farm fields I'm as high as I can get.

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