Some recent Okieland pics


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Here are a few pics I've taken since Sunday. First, a drake mallard behind my house.


Now here is why you DON'T pay attention to digital zoom when buying a new cam... wink.gif Really gets grainy, even w/ 4 mp. (Same pic, zoomed ALL the way in....somewhere around 32X total optical and digital zoom)


Here is a pic of our house we built recently. A bad pic, but I wanted to get a pic of it since I really haven't before. I was about 350 yards away when I took this pic.


This is me and my buddy Shane. Went crow hunting yesterday and killed a few crows. Shane did most of the killing, but I did some shooting. tongue.gif He's an upland/waterfowl hunting guide.....lucky sucker. smirk.gif But, he has no excuses for missing grin.gif


Shane took me by the house of one of his grandpa's neighbors/friend and showed me this deer......anything unusual about it??????????????


Same deer, different angle.


See it yet??????? Here's a close up.......


This deer has a neat story behing it (and it is a NICE deer....and an Okie deer at that!)

Story is, hunter was hunting with muzzle loader and this buck came out.....the hunter shot and the deer drop in its tracks. He gets down to go check out this nice buck (after he reloads his gun) and the deer jumps up and runs off!! But stops 70 or so yards out and stops. The hunter takes another shot and kills the deer for good. What happened was he sent that 50 cal. dead-center through the antler, knocking the deer out. Not something you see every day.

Ahhhh......ain't Oklahoma great?! cool.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Some recent Okieland pics

That guy's lucky he didn't shatter the whole antler. I've never seen anyone do that before. Great buck, though! Nice tall rack.

That's a nice house you have as well. Is that pond in your back yard? Any bass?

Congrats on the crows. I'm gonne try my luck once squirrel season is over.

Nice pics. Thanks for sharing!

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Re: Some recent Okieland pics

Nice pics, could see the spot, hole in the antler, in the first pic, and kind of wondered if it was from a rifle before reading your story.

That, if it was from a .50 ml, is the smallest .50 hole I have ever seen. Looking at the eyes to judge the size, just does not look large enough, not even to be from a .44 projectile, at least not to me.

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Re: Some recent Okieland pics


Nice pics, could see the spot, hole in the antler, in the first pic, and kind of wondered if it was from a rifle before reading your story.

That, if it was from a .50 ml, is the smallest .50 hole I have ever seen. Looking at the eyes to judge the size, just does not look large enough, not even to be from a .44 projectile, at least not to me.

[/ QUOTE ]

That is what I was told.....didn't hear the story from the actual hunter. Maybe a .45 cal ML confused.gif

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