Primo's Bleat Can


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Re: Primo\'s Bleat Can

I have to tell you they have done some pretty impressive things for me this season. Last Tuesday morning I was on the stand and had a big doe come in about 60 yds and hang up. Well it was late in the morning and I had already decided that the next doe I saw I was going to smoke if given the chance. Well she got about 60 yds out and hung up on a trail that would take her out of my site. So I pulled the lil can out and gave in a couple of turns....within 45 seconds I had a big doe less than 10 yds. Double lung.....she ran about 15 yds before calling it quits. The PSE and Rocky Mountain Snypers did the trick. I will post some pics of her and my bobcat soon. Gotta get them developed.

Oh yea....guess this means TEAM 4 is now on the board.....well we will be with my pic. Have to get that done soon!

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Re: Primo\'s Bleat Can

The can does work. I haven't called in a B & C giant but when I use it I see does & small bucks. I have the original can & the great big can for calling across bean fields.

For those of you who've used it & not seen anything try this. In the winter during the post rut use some doe in heat & then try it. Remember do it during your post rut.

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