found 2, given 5!!!! (pics)


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Was out this weekend...meant to drive by a place where a buddy and I had seen some good sign...drove into the farmer's yard, knocked on the door, no answer, $%*&, as I drove out of the yard and back onto the grid I stopped and glassed...right beside his yard I could see an antler!!! Proceeded to check a couple other spots and made my way to the nearest town to give him a call...he said to come by...I did and he told me to go for it and walk his land...I saw a couple antlers beside his house that were brought back by his dog, cool, a real I walked out in the back of the barns and picked up this five point (60 inches)that I had seen from the road....then I walked around in knee deep plus snow and after about 30 minutes found a beauty four point which has the makings of a six point...ended up chatting the farmer up as I was leaving and he told me to take the other antlers, 5 of them to be exact, two fresh and three others...after inspecting them at home I discovered (actually sasksheds pointed it out) that the big five point that was given was a match to my big four point...the four point was fresh but the five point was last years...anyway the fresh four is just over 70 inches and the matching five is just over 74 could have been a typical seven point...funny how an antler can change from one year...the other two fresh ones are 60 and 56 inches respectively....enjoy







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