One of the best weekends in the woods!


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I have had one of the best weekends in the woods I have ever had.

I got out there saturday morning and as I was climbing up my tree I had to stop about 8 ft up and let 6-8 deer walk by. As daylight broke I seen a lone deer walking towards me. Picked up my binocs and seen it was a decent 6 pt. I was still debating wheather or not to shoot and he got this close to me.


I knew there are bigger deer in this section of woods and decided to let him walk. Tough to do when he would have been my biggest deer to date. He did not have any brows and had 7-8" G2s and 5-6" G3s.

A little later I seen this little button buck come through.


I seen 5 deer saturday morning. A four pt was chasing a doe.

Saturday night rolled around and I was in the stand at 2:30 at 3:30 I seen my first deer. Another little 6 pt. He was browsing when a doe came in and he seen her and chased her out of the area. From then on it was chaos. Bucks were chasing and grunting. Heard bucks fighting. Does were bleatin. Seen 16 deer saturday night with 6 different little bucks.

Tonight I seen 3 deer. 2 does and a spike but from 3:30 on I heard bucks chasing and grunting all around me. I am surronded by a swamp on 3 sides and could hear them splashing through the water.

So in 3 sits I seen 24 deer with 9 different bucks. No shooters though. Wish I didnt have to go back to work this week. :)

Both pictures were taken with my phone. :)

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