Is this a coyote?


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Hey all,

I posted this in predator forum too, but wanted people viewing this to see as well. I pulled this from my 35mm game camera (the sucker moved at least 25-30 ft before it tripped the cam). It looks like a coyote, but has weird characteristics. Very narrow hind in, huge shoulder/frontal mass, long neck, and completely bald from mid section back. Could it be a cross of some sort? Any ideas?misc3fixed.jpg

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It's hard to tell from the picture because of the lack of detail, but I would suspect that it is a coyote with mange. The short hair on the rear quarters makes it look like the rear quarters are abnormally small compared to the front end which has "normal" hair length.

Like I say, the picture quality is lacking somewhat and makes it difficult to say for sure, but I'm guessing that mange would explain what looks like a mis-shapen body.


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Well whatever it is, it's extremely smart, because I have only got 1 picture of it. I've set out my camera at least 100 times since, and haven't ever caught it again. I've never seen it in person either, and I do alot of coyote calling. I wish I could get more pictures of it, or at least see it. I set out old deer meat before, 4 blocks, and something took it without ever setting off my camera!!!! Makes you wonder what kind of creepy things are running around out there.

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It's hard to tell from the picture because of the lack of detail, but I would suspect that it is a coyote with mange. The short hair on the rear quarters makes it look like the rear quarters are abnormally small compared to the front end which has "normal" hair length.

Like I say, the picture quality is lacking somewhat and makes it difficult to say for sure, but I'm guessing that mange would explain what looks like a mis-shapen body.


yup its a coyote with mange

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Guest TennesseeTurkey
If he's that smart, put out a blanket with a steel trap set in front of it. That butt's going to get pretty dang cold soon. :clown:

I know why he's smart its because dude keeps putting out the camera 100's of times.... too much scent.... leave it alone for a month or two

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