My 09 Buck


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Here is my buck I got yesterday in Lyman County, SD. I shot him from about 150 yards. My shot actually went through his eye and out his ear. I want to mount him but I don't know if I want a euro or a shoulder mount. I am afraid if I do a euro I will find out too late that I shot up the skull. Any thoughts? He is a 5x5 and my buddy got a real nice 4x4 about a half hour after I got mine.





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No I didn't mean to shoot him in the eye. They way he was standing and I guess my scope is off a little lead to me hitting him there. I was lucky I wasn't shooting anything bigger for a gun because it would have tore him up pretty bad. My dad got this nice 6x7 whitetail on saturday. He isn't a huge rack or a huge deer but it is pretty unique.



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