The new face of hunting.......


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  MCH said:
Just joking around with the guys. We were texting about the wind and I thought I would give them a visual.:D:D

Its kind of funny, because the guy that posted the pic got already to go hunting this morning, but chickened out.:D:D

  The_Kat said:
Yup I'm smart enough to sleep in instead of playing rodeo in the treestand. Our trees aren't big like yours.....when the wind blows the trees move big time. It's like a carnival ride at times.

That visual scared me so much, it's now hopefully a theft deterrent system for my phone!!!! I'm trying to think of what cartoon character he reminds me of.

And Kyle, you can't kill a deer layin in bed. I could only wish I was off today so I could have been out. Still think you need to change your name:rolleyes::poke:

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