Rolln' north to Illinois for gun season!

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Yes sir, it is that time again!! The first gun season in Illinois starts on Friday and I am rolln' north with my new .50 caliber CVA Apex in hand.

I have hunted this season since the early 90's and would not miss it for the world. I talked with my farm manager and outfitter, Toby Stay, and he said it seems like the bucks have been in lock down for the last few days but hopefully that will change by Friday..opening day.

I will keep you posted!!

Tony Smotherman

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Good luck Tony. The farmers have been hitting the fields pretty good the end of this week but we are calling for rain in this area ( Jefferson County ) today. I think they say they have around 70% of the corn off in our county as of mid week. Hopefully the second rut will kick in next weekend to get the big boys back on there feet. The only good thing i see so far is next year should have some good bucks running around.

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