Up in the Air


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I've tossed it around before but I'm once again thinking about quitting rubbing. Its been 2 or 3 years now since I started heck I don't even remember. I know I was when I first got my lic when I was 16.

Any good tips on something any of you guys have used to quit?

I'm not sure that I'm going to yet but heck big desicion I've got to make on doing it or not.

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Quit because it's good for you...trust me you don't want to end up the guy with oral cancer...need a trach...etc...sounds crazy now but it happens...I had a couple patients in clinical...not fun.

A good way to go about it is quit, keep track of what you save and reward yourself with something...

Hmmm....that sounds like a good idea. I'd be saving around 20 some bucks a week.

Heck tho I'm just not sure if I want to or not I love it.

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Cody, I don't want to be cold but the last time you asked us about quitting you decided not to quit. You have to REALLY WANT TO quit or all of our advise with be for not.

I know I did. I've got acid reflex so bad and I think snuff is whats doing it thats why I'm considering quitting. I was sick there a while back and didn't rub and the dang acid reflex went away.

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My advice is to take smaller and smaller dips, unless you do pouches...might try to find smaller pouches if you can. I'll admit it, I've chewed Grizzly, Redman and Cope in my time. Used to chew regularly, though with miniscule amounts (tiiiiiny pinches of longcut), so I wouldn't get addicted--which I never was. I don't chew regularly anymore and most of it is revolting to me which, I guess, is a good thing. Keep taking smaller and smaller amounts, bud, it might help to eventually ween yourself off the stuff. ;)

Dakota :)

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Cody...it's not a big decision.

It's just a decision plain and simple.

It's just the same as the simple decision to wipe your butt.

After you've made the change to living your life without it you'll realize it's not as big of a deal as you think it is now.

It takes a little time but if others can quit nicotine and the addiction it created...so can you if you want to.

They are no better than you...

I'm no better than you and I quit in January of this year...am I tougher than you???

I dont think so...I just made a simple decision to have a better life...and thats the decision I chose not to give up on.

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