Need meat grinder help fast!


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Been a long time since I ground my own meat. Trying to finish off a doe before the wife and kids get home from gym tonight (the kitchen looks like a mess). Just making burger atm, but I got a question. I'm running it through a 3/8 plate first, then bagging it through a 3/16 plate. Seems a bit fine to me. I'm just making your all purpose burger for spaghetti, burgers, etc. What are you guys doing? I'm adding 0 fat on this batch, much to my dismay, but going on the advice of trusted associates on here, lol. Just need some advice..... FAST!

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Sorry for the delay...Long day at the office, Just grind one time.. If you are looking for burger to use in soups and stews, spaghetti, casseroles... Add no fat.. If you plan on like making meatloaf, venison burgers you should add some fat.. 20-30%. You can use beef or pork fat.. I prefer pork.. better flavor..

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Thank you Ken. And thanks for the PM, it may be needed in the future! Your advice means more than you know :)

Now, on that all purpose, one grind stuff.... what plate works the best?

I have found the 3/16" plate is a good universal plate.. Other than Chili or Goulash grind.. Use a 3/8 or better yet 1/2" plate

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Pro-ciate the info SC. I gotta lotta meat in the cooler that I got to grind up, then also got 2 in the freezer. The season aint even started good yet either.... :D

Going to make up a lot of different grinds before it's over. Hopefully I'll get that smoker started before long, but if not, I can still get my smoked sausage from my processor. Thanks again bud.

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