Coyote hunting this winter!!!!!!!!


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Howdy guys. as some of you may know I am just getting into coyote hunting. here in Sask you have to be 12 to hunt but I just started hunting this year and my brother(prairiepredator) is 16 and can now hunt by himself. but I have to be with someone 18 or older when hunting since I am 12. my brother just got his licence. he was talking to the conservation officers today and they said that since coyotes aren't considered game animals my brother can take me out coyote hunting. my dad is buissy with work so he can't take me out all of the time. so this is gonna be the BEST winter. we are gonna go coyote hunting as much as possible. so wish me lots of luck for this winter.

good luck hunting to all of you and straight shootin.

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