Just saw a couple of doe's!!!!


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Just stepped out the front door to have a smoke and when I got on the porch I heard a big ruckus come from my right and saw a few birds fly out of the brush about 50 feet from the house, next thing I know I see a young doe come flying out and turned behind my neighbors place and ran along the woodline for about 10 yards and darted back in the woods, I went to investigate and heard some more ruckus coming from the woods and saw some branches and weeds shaking around violently and saw the other doe like she was getting up ready to bolt, I hung around some more trying to get a look but she caught me, she'e still back there though, I can hear her moving around. First time I have seen a deer back there this close to the house in awhile, and first time during the day. Pretty cool.

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Re: Just saw a couple of doe\'s!!!!

Now, here in some parts of NY, that would be news to keep under your hat. If the DEC ever found out about a couple of live deer left, they would be issuing special nuisance permits to solve that problem.grin.gif.........JUST KIDDING!! (I think)


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Re: Just saw a couple of doe\'s!!!!

My brother just called me and he saw 4 deer in his backyard this morning. We both live in Naperville, IL. We're about 4 blocks apart and there's a forest preserve within a 1/4 mile of our places.

He's never seen deer in his yard and has lived here since 1990.

Think they'd mind if I put up a treestand? grin.gif

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