Mrs & lilmisswtnhunt packing in....Alaska


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Mrs & lilmisswtnhunt packing in to Crescent Lake was certainly a test. They passed it with flying colors as witnessed through the lens of Kathleen's camera. They had a few problems along the way. You have to realize the enormity of this big, rugged land to appreciate their effort.

Norm Sauceman, too_pointer and I were flown into the lake and had spent the previous 3 days at the Crescent Creek cabin. With a limit on cabin time we had to pack and move to the Saddle cabin. The plan was for me to meet the girls at the trail head at the lake and transport them by boat to the cabin. I then towed the other boat to pick up the guys and the gear using the second boat as a U haul. Getting people and gear moved, Kathleen and I returned the second boat back to the Crescent Creek cabin and then back again. It was quite the undertaking to say the least as the lake was seven miles long with the first cabin all of that distance and the Saddle halfway. It was almost dark when the task was done and this boy was whooped.

The girls were an hour or so late of the noon meeting time. lilmisswtnhunt was the first to come over the rise followed by Mrswtnhunt. The joy in their faces was priceless as they saw me there waiting for them. We waited on Kathleen who went to check out a spot off the trail where a couple of hikers sighted a pair of bears.

I am working on a DVD of the adventure. This is just a small part of it. With all of the images and video from everyone on the trip it may be awhile before it is complete.

Video and and pictures are courtesy of Aksheephuntress and Mrswtnhunt.


Edited by ruttinbuc
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  • 3 weeks later...
Wow Mike, you did an excellent job. I'll never get tired of looking at all of the pics and videos from that trip. Sure brings back lots of memories. The pics are amazing.

I was hoping to have my DVD project finished before Christmas...Looks like it will be a bit late. I am trying to include everyone's images and it is quite the task. BUT, we'll get er done! :yes:

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