So confused


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Ok so i have been hunting sence sept15 and have over 120 hours on stand and only seen one deer. Iv hunter every type of food source i can thing of. and nothin. im guessin im just having bad luck. Its realy starting to bother me when just about every night i get home from hunting there are messages on my phone or facebook or camos space from friends that they have killed buck. And they arnt lilttle deer the last 3 have been 249 228 and 269. and these guys only hunt mayeb 5-6 days a year.

sorry for the rant but i just need to blow off some steam

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im hunting in nh and scent isnt the problem shower and spray down befor every hunt and store clothes in scxent safe bags. and stand placement isnt the prblem. have killed many deer from them in the past. and they are moving threw there. i spent 4 days hunting one spot from the ground dark to dark for 4 days in a row. didnt see a thing then a friend went in the 5th day and killed a ok lil buck. i guess its not my year

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I'd back out of the woods and go spotlighting one night. Not shooting spotlighting, but more of a recon mission to find out where they are feeding and adjust my game plan from there. Take a week off and use a truck or ATV to go driving around in the mornings and evening for awhile and find out where the deer are cause obviously u aren't in that area. Are you seeing any sign? Fresh deer crap, fresh tracks??? If you've put in 120 hrs and seen one deer then I will never have room to gripe about going 2-3 sits ( 6-8 hours ) without seeing a deer lol.

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What state are you hunting?

I'd find another location regardless. I'm in SE Texas and have seen 7 deer since season opened. 3 of them were seen early one morning while I was driving in to my property, the other 3 I saw last night driving out of my property and the other one I saw while on stand. So you're not alone when it comes to not seeing deer while on a stand.

I'll be looking at other properties come spring time to hunt next year.

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So confused

You got some tough luck there. I'd definitely do some recon time.

I spend little time in my treestand, but due to understanding deer movement and what time they move.

Okay, I'm retired and can be out and about to see what's going on. Treestand #1, be there 30 to 45 minutes before dawn. Treestand #2, 2 hours before sundown. Treestand #3, be there before 8:30 am, or before 11:00 or after 1:30.

Nice days with snow on ground any time after dawn, be in treestand #1. Times have varied depending on weather and crops surrounding property.

Ain't braggin', just telling the way it can be;

On several occasions I've taken deer before the seat of my treestand warmed up. This past Nov 4th was no different. Left house at 5:45 am, in treestand at 5:55, and at 6:10 headed to the house to get my atv to haul my deer back.

My fastest was at the tree I wanted my treestand to go in - just got there, turned around and shot the first of three for the year. Don't think I spent 1 hour total for the deer kills.

My fastest/worst was 5 minutes in my wife's tri-pod. Words of the wise; Don't use your wife's treestand or least don't take a deer so fast. The dog house aint' big enough.

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