Spike question


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http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii230/heatherjbrown2/002-2.jpg[/img"]http://002-2.jpg My dad killed this spike last weakend and this thing has got us puzzled.His body was huge,his bases were way bigger than the tiny horns and his whole head and body was realy grey in color.Is it possible for a spike to be 4.5 years old or older?I have been hunting since I was a kid and have been around a lot of deer and this thing had to be at leaste 4.5 years old,Im glad hes gone.
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Nose length and body size seem to be a much better indicator then the color gray when it comes to age. Photo doesn't show nose from the side view.

I wouldn't put a whole lot on base size. Maybe he got a late start to antler growth before the velvet was rubbed off. That would account for the larger bases.

Good luck to all

the dog

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