2010 mule deer hunting where to go?


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Mule deer hunting next year is going to happen.:)

i have a couple of places in mind, but im open to other places to go for a Archery Mule deer hunt. hunt dates would be mid sept. heres my choices so far.

Wyoming...draw system for mule deer tags. what are my chances to get one my first year? i might have a place to go hunting, but i need the tag first. finding a outfitter or place shouldnt be to hard.

North Dakota Badlands Mule deer hunt..first come first served tags available. very possibly this is where im going to go. i also have an outfitter i have contacted.

Montana.. Draw system, but i can get a garenteed tag if i cough up a 1000 for the tag..yipe! if i can draw a tag, finding a good outfitter wont be hard at all.

anyone have any other suggestions?


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Colorado is all draw or leftovers on a first come basis. Utah is all draw too. You can get landowner vouchers in Colorado which are expensive then you must pay the $330.00 for the tag too. I would look on www.wildlife.state.co.us for info on the draws and success rates. There are some little spots that get ignored that hold some big bucks and you can draw every year. Utah in the LaSals was a two week season this year with a general tag and we saw one monster no one was even hunting near. The tag is good for the extended season also if you don't connect. We'll go to Salt Lake and hunt the Wasatch Front for rutting mulies next week during the extended season. Lots of opportunity out here.


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Washington. Buy an out of state year License.

No tag or special permits needed for bucks 3 points or better.

A lot of public land to have a do it yourself hunt on.

Also have the option of taking a good whitetail and possibly a spike bull elk.

You could hang out with Orlan and his wife as well as me. That right there should be the deciding factor!

PM WaCoyote for more info. He did pretty darn good this year. With me being out here for only the past 5 months, I have not learned everything yet but the regulations.

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