Fall Turkey


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I have seen gobblers strut nearly every month of the year. One fall morning in Kansas in their Muzzleloader Deer season a thunder storm was coming the the turkeys started gobbling on roost. They gobbled at a fire siren, truck backup beeper and a train whistle. I finally decided to head to the truck not wanting to get wet and as I got into my truck those birds had gobbled 36 times. I have seen them strutting in nearly every month. I think it is a dominance thing.

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Twice this fall I called in a group of turkeys from 200 yards to within easy bow range of my blind with just my mouth during archery deer season. I got the boss hen all worked up and the conversation between the two of us got one of the jakes to strut (needless to say he got some weird looks from the rest of the flock and he quickly acted like nothing had happened :D ). That was pretty cool and that was just with my mouth (no diaphram). :eek::cool:

Dakota :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On December 20th my cousin and I were out with the muzzleloaders and we watched two jakes facing off. They were just trying to push each other chest to chest the whole time. I asked myself what they were fighting about. I'm still seeing new stuff I've never seen before.

Probably "super jakes" (1.5 year olds) settling the pecking order ahead of spring.

Dakota :)

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